Global Credit Check Not Identifying (CUSTOMER-Level) Specified Credit Limit With Different Currency (USD) Than Order Currency (EUR)
(Doc ID 1370119.1)
Last updated on DECEMBER 06, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Order Management - Version 12.0.6 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
Form:OEXOEORD.FMB - Sales Orders
Report:OEXCEXP.RDF - Credit Exposure Report
Form:OEXCCRLS.FMB - Credit Check Rules Definition
Site is working as 'Single Currency Credit Checking' and not as 'Multi Currency Credit checking' due to missing definition of 'Credit Check Rule' and it's assignment to either customer / site / profile etc.
Exposure is 0 and credit limit 2,500,000.00 in AED currency is defined. Order is in USD currency and total is 61,200.00, but the AR Aging report shows outstanding of 9,659,464.02 which is well above 2,500,000.00, however, sales order is not being placed on a credit check hold.
Credit Exposure report totals should match the AR Aging report and sales order should be placed on credit hold when it exceeds the credit limit.
Global credit check scenario is NOT identifying a (CUSTOMER-level) specified credit limit (USD) in a currency other than the "transaction" / order currency (EUR).
1. Global exposure scenario
2. Customer-level limit setup for USD = 8 million
3. Enter order for EUR currency
4. Credit check NOT identifying (USD) "global" limit
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