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Why Calculated Usage Rate for Meter cannot be Zero? (Doc ID 1446146.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 21, 2022

Applies to:

Oracle Enterprise Asset Management - Version 12.1.3 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When calculating Usage rate as per excel from  <Document 396371.1>  with same values the result is zero but when we  enter the same in application with same reading value it is defaulting the usage rate from meter.
Why application is still is defaulting the usage rate as per the values as 8 from the meter even after the reading entered crossed the number of past reading entered?

Steps to Reproduce:

1, Create a Asset Number
2, Create a meter and assign to the asset number.
3, In the meter define Usage rate as 8 or 9 (any Values)
4,Enter the number of past reading as 4.
5, Create a Schedule for this asset.
6, Enter a meter reading value as 100.
7, Continue the same meter reading for another 4 times. (until number of reading exceeds the value in Meter Definition)
8, Check the usage rate in the schedule.


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