R11 R12: Generic Datafix - Reporting Script And DataFix Script to Correct Incorrect Commitments for Closed POs/REQs
(Doc ID 1607975.1)
Last updated on APRIL 15, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Grants Accounting - Version to 12.2 [Release 11.5.10 to 12.2]Information in this document applies to any platform.
Grants Accounting: A generic datafix and reporting script are available to correct incorrect commitments for closed purchase orders and requisitions.
Patch 16920340 GDF:Reporting Script and DataFix script to correct incorrect commitment for the closed PO/REQ
The datafix patch addresses the following issues:
i. List out the encumbrance items which are in closed or finally closed status.
ii. It provided the list of the closed encumbrance items for which active encumbrance is present in the GMS tables.
iii. It fixes the such Purchase Order/Requisition records for which there are no active encumbrance but GMS table shows the active encumbrance.
iv. Synchronize GMS and PO tables for award where there is a mismatch between the GMS and PO encumbrance and list out the transactions which has fixed through this patch.
Patch include following scripts.
1. gms16920340r.sql : This script provides the encumbrance amount details which have been incurred by the award/project. This gives the details about the encumbrance items of the Purchase Order/Requisition, which has closed even-though the encumbrance amount is exists in the GMS tables.
2. gms16920340d.sql : This script fix the encumbrance amount details which have been incurred by the award/project. This fixes the encumbrance amount items of the Purchase Order/Requisition, which has closed even-though the encumbrance amount is exists in the GMS table.
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