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R12: OIE: General Topics : Consolidated Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) (Doc ID 2134929.1)

Last updated on OCTOBER 07, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Internet Expenses - Version to 12.2.5 [Release 11.5 to 12.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


 OIE General Topics : Consolidated Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 Is there any way to change the time frame from One Week to One Month when using the duplicate functionality?
 New Employee XXXXX not visible in 'Unused transactions' page when administrator New, <New Employee Name> clicks on Transactions for account section?
 Per Diem Details form does not display Start Date or Number of Days for some Schedules?
 How to End date Duplicate locations in internet expenses application?
 Is it possible to send the advances in iexpense to go for approval like an expense report ?
 Expenses Home Confirmation page shows a number “1”, below the expense report number. What is the significance of this value? How can this be disabled?
 Can we hide the column 'Current Approver' under 'Track Submitted Expense Reports' by personalization or setting any profile option ?
 Original Approver is shown in Expenses pages though report is delegated?
 For Short pay expense reports, Expense Report distribution line num (Ap_expense_report_lines_All) is not matching with AP Distribution line num (AP_Invoice_distributions_All)
 Why the Expense Audit Hold Rule applied to all the reports?
 The Foreign amount displayed on the Per diem details page shows the calculated amount after applying the exchange rate.(The foreign amount should remain as it is)
 When importing data from i-Expense to Payable by running APXEXPER, attached file gets published as a catalog.
 Internet Expenses Mileage Allowable Daily Sum shows wrongly on Auditor page and use lower value of the policy's.If in same expense report multiple meals expense lines are claimed,which are be assigned to different meals policy schedules. When one of the policy allowed limit is 30 GBP and in other policy allowed limit as 3 GBP?
 Why cannot enable the Time Based Entry? business rule to Per Diem schedule created through the upload process?
 How to remove inactive employee from Expenses Entry Permissions with authorization previlages?
 How to determine who purged ER if Concurrent Request purged?
 Can a deleted expense report be recovered?
 Which functions need to be excluded to eliminate Audit?
 Any API for the creation of iExpense Reports?
 Is it possible to choose project and task from LOV?
 Is any Public API to perform Expense Approve and Reject Functionality?
 Is Manager not able to adjust line amounts and allocations?
 Why the attribute_category field in the ap_expense_report_lines_all table is not getting populated for Expense Reports after submission in some cases?
 When we WITHDRAWN the expense report, what all fields get updated in ap_expense_report_headers_all?
 How can we delete an approved expense report?
 Can 2 dimensional bar codes be used such as a QR code?
 What is the Bar code Type in Oracle EBS IExpense?
 Pre-itemization feature is for all expense types as long as card provider provide the detail information?
 Expense status showing as paid where as invoice is unpaid for company pay method?
 Expense Report submitter and approver see amount as negative/positive for personal expenses
A submitter with company credit card personal expenses sees the reimburseable amount as negative (which is correct), the approver sees the amount as a positive number?

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