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R12.1:JL:AP:SLA: JLMXJENT Mexican Journal Entries Is not Showing CDFI (Doc ID 2178599.1)

Last updated on JUNE 12, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Financials for the Americas - Version 12.1.3 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : 12.1.3 version, Mexico GL Globalization

Mexican Journal Entries - XML File (JLMXJENT_XMLP) is not showing information in the CDFI field.

Expect to see the CDFI in the file.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

1. Responsibility: General Ledger - Mexico Localization
2. Path: Other -> Requests -> Run
3. Run the Mexican Journal Entries - XML File (JLMXJENT.xml )

Mexican Journal Entries - XML File is not bringing the information in CDFI field.

The system is not generating the UUID_CFDI information "Atributo requerido para expresar la clave UUID del CFDI soporte de la operación. (36 caracteres)"

The issue has the following business impact:
Due to this issue, users cannot meet SAT requirement.

The UUID_CFDI information should appear in the report in order to meet SAT requirement.
The lack of UUID_CFDI information might impact negatively the integration of files to the Mexican authorities leading to fines and citation to the customer.


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