Error on Offer UIs - 'You cannot complete this task because one of the following events caused a loss of page data.'
(Doc ID 2192136.1)
Last updated on JULY 04, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Trade Management - Version 12.2.4 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
On : 12.2.4 version, Offers
Error on Offer UIs
You cannot complete this task because one of the following events caused a loss of page data.
Possible Causes:
1.You have left your login session idle past the timeout period.
2.A system failure has occurred.
3.The application server is incorrectly configured and does not send a session cookie to the client browser.
4.If you were testing in JDeveloper: 1.JDeveloper OC4J process did not fully shut down before restarting the application.
2.You closed one of the Internet Explorer browser windows while the request is being processed in another Internet Explorer window. Closing an Internet Explorer window causes OC4J to expire a user session.
3.OC4J XML files in your JDeveloper user home system directory have been modified or corrupted.
For the first two causes listed above, please select the Home link at the top of the application page to return to the main menu. Then access this page again using the application's navigation controls (menu, links, and so on) instead of using the browser's navigation controls like Back and Forward.
If you suspect that the application server is incorrectly configured, contact your system administrator.
If you were testing in JDeveloper and suspect that you encountered one of the causes listed above, go to JDeveloper menu and select the option Run | Terminate to terminate the OC4J process. Then re-run your application. If you still encounter this error, exit JDeveloper and remove the user home system directory. Then restart JDeveloper and re-run your application.
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In this Document
Symptoms |
Cause |
Solution |