Forms Personalization Using Custom.pll With DFF
(Doc ID 2237696.1)
Last updated on APRIL 05, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Order Management - Version 12.0.0 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
You are using the "Additional Line Attribute Information" flex structure, and have associated "attribute11" on the oe_order_line table which is directly related to this flex structure to be one of our segments.
This field maps to "Subscription Key" column which you will see on the display.
You cannot seem to nullify a flexfield column in an oe_order_lines record using Custom.pll personalization, however I can override it with text.
This is being performed on a WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD forms trigger. You can however nullify out a non-flexfield column as I have described below.
The EBS form name itself is --> OEXOEORD.
You have tried nullifying out some additional flexfield columns that we are using, and again they can't be nullified either.
You have used both the "copy (null,###)" and "copy ('',###) syntax representations to no avail.For example -->
copy (null,'line.attribute11') -- DOESNT null out the flexfield column on the screen
copy ('','line.attribute11') -- DOESNT null out the flexfield column on the screen
copy('TEST',line.attribute1') -- THIS WORKS, the value of TEST appears in the flexfield column on the screen
copy(null,'line.ordered_quantity_pricing') -- THIS WORKS ( non-flexfield ), the quantity value on the screen, i.e. had an initial value of 2 is now blanked out
You are trying to determine why our flexfield "attribute#" columns can not be nullified programmatically. Have you seen this before perhaps. There is nothing special about them.
How can we get this to work in our Custom.pll personalization?
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