ABC Compile Criteria For Historical number of transactions, Historical usage value and Historical usage Quantity Includes Zero Quantity Items, Non transacted Items During Compile Date Range
(Doc ID 2458010.1)
Last updated on JULY 10, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Warehouse Management - Version 12.2.5 and laterOracle Inventory Management - Version 12.2.5 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
ABC compile is skipping a lot of items that are expected to be included. ABC Compile Criteria for the below compile types does not seem to be in sync:
Historical number of transactions - Considers items which have been transacted in the compile date range and currently have onhand quantity. This is not including 0 quantity items.
Historical usage value - Considers items which have been transacted in the compile date range and currently have zero quantity .
Historical usage Quantity - Considers items which have been transacted in the compile date range and currently have zero quantity .
Per the documentation in the Oracle Inventory Users Guide:
Historical number of transactions
Use the historical number of transactions (transaction history) for
the time period you specify. Assign the sequence number by descending number of transactions.
Historical usage quantity
Use the historical usage quantity (transaction history) for the
time period you specify. Assign the sequence number by descending quantity.
Historical usage value
Use the historical usage value (transaction history). This is the sum of the transaction quantities times the unit cost of the
transactions for the time period you specify. Assign the sequence number by descending value.
Content scope determines the content level of items to include in the compile:
• Organization: If you select organization, Oracle Inventory includes all items
defined for your current organization in the ABC compile, even those with zero
cost or zero quantity.
Valuation scope determines the ranking of items.
Applied Patch 28670565 (OR) Version of incaac.opp is between 120.5.12020000.8 (lower than incaac.opp 120.5.12020000.15)
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