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Mass Appraisal Creation ends in warning with ORA-20001: BEN_92460_ASS_SET_FORMULA (Doc ID 2489286.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 09, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Performance Management - Version 12.2.5 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When attempting to run Mass Appraisal Creation
the following error occurs.

ORA-20001: Main appraiser does not exist as of effective date. -> for 12 employees
ORA-20001: BEN_92460_ASS_SET_FORMULA: N, PROC, ben_evaluate_elig_profiles.check_asnt_set, N, ELIGY_PRFL_ID, 2001 -> for 3678 employees

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

1. Plan - Performance Dialogue 2018 is created and published -> HIERARCHY_TYPE_CODE : ORG / TOP_ORGANIZATION_ID : 123 / ORGANIZATION_STRUCTURE_ID : 456
2. Assignment Set is used in the Eligibility Profile and used the eligibility profile in the Performance Management Plan appraisals
3. Run Mass Appraisal Creation -> ends in warning

ORA-20001: Main appraiser does not exist as of effective date. -> for 12 employees
ORA-20001: BEN_92460_ASS_SET_FORMULA: N, PROC, ben_evaluate_elig_profiles.check_asnt_set, N, ELIGY_PRFL_ID, 2001 -> for 3678 employees

4. Workers by Process Status:
Successful -> 76
Warning -> 0
Error -> 3690

Workers by Eligibility:
Eligible -> 88
In Eligible -> 3678


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