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How To Add New Additional Material Sub-elements To Item Cost In FIFO Costing (Doc ID 2555109.1)

Last updated on MAY 16, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Cost Management - Version 12.2.5 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


How to add new material sub-elements to cost in FIFO costing

We want to add a new material sub-element for Surcharge to the material cost for existing and new items. We are using FIFO costing.
 I am able to add material cost sub-element in the Material Subelements window.
However, there is no place to add a value for this new sub-element.
How will this be included in the FIFO cost during PO receiving, material overheads absorption and cost of goods sold?

Inventory Resp. -> Setup-> Costs-> Sub-elements->Material
Added Surcharge as a Material Subelement.
How do we now include this subelement in the FIFO cost of an item and collect costs for this subelement?

For existing items, layer cost update appears to be only at the cost element level - material or material overheads.
We want to add a new material SUB element.
Our initial question was more around how the cost for the item could include multiple Material cost elements from PO through delivery.

setup > cost > sub elements
item material sub-element
the system allows us setting up additional material sub-elements.
how the system uses it what is the functionality. ?
from what we have seen, only 1 sub-element for material is used in costing for material element and for calculation of earned material overheads.


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