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Credit Management Worflow in Error if Scoring Component is Assigned to a Checklist (Doc ID 2604741.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 12, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Credit Management - Version 12.1.3 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Credit Management Workflow is in error if scoring component is assigned to Checklist.   Recently you may have upgraded from 12.2.4 to 12.2.8.  The error is:

ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows

 Upon analyzing the issue we could see that package AR_CMGT_SCORING_ENGINE has different version for upgrade and is returning multiple rows in a select into.

old version:
SELECT v.data_point_category, v.function_name
  INTO l_category, l_function_name
  FROM ar_cmgt_scorable_data_points_v v
  where v.data_point_id = p_data_point_id;

new version:
  SELECT dp.data_point_category, dp.function_name
  INTO l_category, l_function_name
  FROM ar_cmgt_scorable_data_points_v dp, ar_cmgt_score_dtls dtl
  where dp.data_point_id = p_data_point_id
  and dp.data_point_id = dtl.data_point_id
  and dtl.score_model_id = p_score_model_id
  and nvl(dp.descriptive_flex_context_code, 'X') = nvl(dtl.flex_context_code, 'X');


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In this Document
 1. Bug Summary
 2. Fixed Files
 4. Solution Steps

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