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GLPURGE GL Archive And Purge Fails With Error: APP-FND-01564: ORACLE error 955 in begin ad_ddl.do_ddl / ORA-06512 / URGE0072 / URGE0054 (Doc ID 272586.1)

Last updated on MAY 12, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle General Ledger - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Executable:GLPURGE - GL Archive and Purge


The General ledger program, Archive/Purge is erroring when run. The error is displayed in the log file.

APP-FND-01564: ORACLE error 955 in begin ad_ddl.do_ddl(:schema, :sn, ad_ddl.create_table , :stmt, :obj); end;

Cause: begin ad_ddl.do_ddl(:schema, :sn, ad_ddl.create_table, :stmt, :obj); end; failed due to ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.AD_DDL", line 130
ORA-06512: at line 1.

The SQL statement being executed at the time of the error was:
begin ad_ddl.do_ddl(:schema, :sn, ad_ddl.create_table , :stmt, :obj); end; and was executed from
the file &ERRFILE.
-- gluddl Message Dictionary End
URGE0072: There is data in table GL_ARCHIVE_BATCHES.
Please export the table, then truncate it, then resubmit this request.

URGE0054: Unable to create journal tables.
SHRD0014: glgmai: main - process exiting with failure.


1. Under the General Ledger Responsibility > Run Archive/Purge
2. Select permanenly closed periods and run Archive
3. Note the process fails and the errors are displayed in the logfile. 

The same error may occur related to GL_ARCHIVE_BALANCES table.




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