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Engineering Change Order API (ENG_ECO_PUB.Process_ECO) Fails With Error ORA 1422 For Bills That Contain Same Component At Different Operation Sequence Numbers And Same Effectivity Date (Doc ID 2811369.1)

Last updated on APRIL 03, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Bills of Material - Version 12.2.6 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Engineering Change Order API (ENG_ECO_PUB.Process_ECO) fails for BOMs that contain multiple lines with the same component at different operation sequence numbers but the same effectivity date.
ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

0. Select a Bill that has same component on multiple operation sequence numbers with same effectivity

OpSeq |  Component | Effectivity
10    | Component_A| 12-Dec-2020 1:00:00
20    | Component_A| 12-Dec-2020 1:00:00

1. Create ECO using API (ENG_ECO_PUB.Process_ECO) to update a component that is present with different op seq numbers and same effectivity.
2. Sample input data for the revised item, revised component on the ECO, looks like below -

3. Run the API ENG_ECO_PUB.Process ECO
4. API returns U (unexpected error), the error can be identified only from trace file.

(For example on how to use this API , Please review <Note 1242524.1> - How To Create An Engineering Change Order (ECO) Using ENG_ECO_PUB.Process_Eco API?)


This issue happens after upgrade to 12.2.6 or higher release when Bom_Default_Bom_Component / BOMDCMPB.pls version is 120.6.12020000.12


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