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Emergency Contacts Relationship Code 'BROTHER' Is Not Displayed In Personal Relationship (Doc ID 2864948.1)

Last updated on OCTOBER 01, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Self-Service Human Resources - Version 12.2 HRMS RUP15 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : 12.2 HRMS RUP15 under 12.2.8version, Personal Information Page.

Emergency Contacts: Relationship code / description is not displayed in the overview page for 'Brother' (BROTHER --Code). This code comes in LOV of the Relationship while adding or updating the record. After updating and adding when user reopen the page , the relation ship 'Brother' (BROTHER --Code). is not displayed.

It should display correctly , This is working for all Relationships except 'Brother' which is setup with 'TAGS' in the seeded lookup CONTACT_TYPE.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Login application with Employee Self-Service Responsibility.
2. N> Employee Self-Service > Personal Relationship >
3. Navigate to Emergency Contacts and Dependents and Beneficiaries section under : Relationship code/description is not displayed in the overview page for 'Brother'.

What is noticed?

This issue could be TAG for the Brother code: "-PL,-GB,-MX,-US,-JP,-MC,-NL,-DE,-CO"

Is this reproducible ?
Yes, when create a new relationship code with same TAG (-PL,-GB,-MX,-US,-JP,-MC,-NL,-DE,-CO) and if we remove -US from the tag then it is working as expected.


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