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Lockbox Integration to Apply Receipts using either Contract Number or Invoice Number is not Working as Expected (Doc ID 2912793.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 03, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Lease and Finance Management - Version 12.2.5 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : 12.2.5 version, Receipt Modules

Find that lockbox integration to apply receipts using either contract number or invoice number is not working as expected. Here are some scenarios of test cases:

Test - 1
Provided Invoice numbers and amount applied in interface.
Amount applied are more than the amount due on the invoice.
The excess amount shows as unapplied. Expected excess amount to be a future pay on contract.

Test - 2
Provided Contract number and amount applied in interface.
Amount applied are more than the amount due on the invoice.
Expected that receipts to be created and applied to contract invoices and excess amount to be a future pay on the contract.

Test - 3

Provided 1 statement and 1 contract for overpayment amount. Submitted lockbox
process with "Post Partial Amount As Unapplied". Invoices of statement should
have been applied. Contract number and amount should be future pay. But all
amount went to unapplied. This is not the expected result.

Test - 4
For a receipt provided 4 statement numbers. 1 of the statement numbers was
invalid. Entire receipt went to unapplied. It did not apply to the invoices
of other 3 valid statement numbers.

Expect excess amount to be applied as future pay on the contract.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. From backend, populate the OLFM contract number or invoice number in the Lockbox interface table: ar_payments_interface_all
2. Complete setups in AR and OLFM per the note:
Improved Cash Throughput (Doc ID 2840619.1)




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