Insurance Adjustment Is Not Reinitialized to Zero While Processing Multiple Contracts Through Automatic Insurance Program
(Doc ID 2937327.1)
Last updated on MAY 05, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Lease and Finance Management - Version 12.2.10 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
Find that insurance adjustment is not re-initialized to zero in bulk processing.
When insurance is added to the contract, INSURANCE_BOOKED_ADJUSTMENT is being called to create adjustment amount on top of the premium. There is an initialization issue for insurance adjustment variable/record type in Automatic Insurance Program. In our system, we charge different insurance adjustment for each of the contract based on the cost and category of the asset. Due initialization issue, same adjustment amount is being used for all the contracts with same Automatic Insurance Program run.
Expectation is to create insurance just for computer equipment.
Steps to Re-Produce:
1. In FA, create 2 asset categories. Example Computer Equipment and Software.
2. Using lease super user responsibility, setup insurance and assign computer equipment category to charge insurance (Software is not eligible for insurance).
3. Configure formula INSURANCE_BOOKED_ADJUSTMENT to set adjustment amount to 17.25 for Computer Equipment Category contracts.
4. Book several contracts for Computer Equipment only and several for Software only and several for combination of both categories.
5. Run Automatic Insurance Program with out any specific contracts (run for entire portfolio).
6. Insurance gets created for all the contracts vs expectation is to create just for computer equipment (Software category is not setup to charge any premium but adjustment is adding to the contract with premium as $0).
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