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The OPM Lead Time Calculator for Process is Calculating Incorrect Leadtimes When the Routing UOM and Operation UOM are Different from the Recipe Yield UOM (Doc ID 2953538.1)

Last updated on JULY 18, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Process Manufacturing Process Planning - Version 12.2.10 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Item's primary UOM is LB.
Formula is for 1 PCS, which is 1230.3 LB.
Routing is for 1 PCS, operations are in LB
Routing has a Fixed resource, and scalable resources

Customer runs Lead Time Calculator for Process. The variable leadtime calculated by this should be per LB since that is the item's primary UOM.
This calculates a variable leadtime of .00768. This is the leadtime per PCS, not per LB.

Because of this, ASCP planning is incorrect.


  1. From the OPM Process Planning responsibility, run the Lead Time Calculator for Process concurrent program (View > Requests > Submit a New Request)
  2. Look at the output (from the concurrent request, click Output button)




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