R12: AP: CREDIT MEMO Invoice Fails Import with Rejection Code CANNOT PRORATE TO ZERO Even Though the Known Fix is Already Applied
(Doc ID 2954191.1)
Last updated on JUNE 08, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Payables - Version 12.1.3 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
CREDIT MEMO Invoice is failing Import with Rejection Code CANNOT PRORATE TO ZERO
FND Debug Log of the execution of the AP Open Interface Import program attempting to Import CREDIT Memo Invoice, shows the following:
1098789209 sid:100340148: (Import_Invoices 4c) Total Invoices: l_total_count:1
1098789211 sid:100340148: (Import_Invoices 4d) l_continue_flag:Y
1098789213 sid:100340148: (Import_invoice 5.5) Unwinding Caching Org Id/Name
1098789215 sid:100340148: Index Value: 103, MOAC Cached Org_Id: 103, MOAC Cached Operating Unit: WFCA_ORG
1098789216 sid:100340148: Index Value: 122, MOAC Cached Org_Id: 122, MOAC Cached Operating Unit: West Fraser US
1098789222 sid:100340148: Index Value: 203, MOAC Cached Org_Id: 203, MOAC Cached Operating Unit: WFCPP_ORG
1098789224 sid:100340148: Index Value: 103, FSP Cached Org_Id: 103
1098789226 sid:100340148: Index Value: 203, FSP Cached Org_Id: 203
1098789228 sid:100340148: Index Value: 122, FSP Cached Org_Id: 122
1098789230 sid:100340148: (Import_invoice 6) Open import_invoices cursor
1098789233 sid:100340148: (Import_invoice -->Execution started for first loop:23-MAY-15 06:39:20
1098789235 sid:100340148: (Import_invoice 7) FETCH import_invoices
1098789237 sid:100340148: ------------------> invoice_id = ###### invoice_num = 1XXXXXXXA invoice_type_lookup_code = CREDIT invoice_date = 14-APR-23 po_number = vendor_id = 282072
1098789241 sid:100340148: vendor_num = 90912 vendor_name = vendor_site_id = 235667 vendor_site_code =
1098789243 sid:100340148: AVINGER party_id = party_site_id = pay_proc_trxn_type_code = payment_func
1098789245 sid:100340148: tion = invoice_amount = 0 base_currency_code = invoice_currency_code = USD pa
1098789246 sid:100340148: yment_currency_code = USD exchange_rate = exchange_rate_type = exchange_date
1098789248 sid:100340148: = 28-APR-23 terms_id = terms_name = description = awt_group_id = awt_g
1098789250 sid:100340148: roup_name = pay_awt_group_id = pay_awt_group_name = last_update_date = 15
1098789252 sid:100340148: -MAY-23 last_updated_by = last_update_login = creation_date = 15-MAY-23 att
1098789254 sid:100340148: ribute_category = attribute1 = attribute2 = attribute3 = attribute4 = attri
1098789256 sid:100340148: bute5 = attribute6 = attribute7 = attribute8 = 3658504 attribute9 = 122780-16
1098789258 sid:100340148: 642 attribute10 = TX16642 attribute11 = attribute12 = attribute13 = attribute
1098789260 sid:100340148: 14 = attribute15 = global_attribute_category = global_attribute1 = global_at
1098789262 sid:100340148: tribute2 = global_attribute3 = global_attribute4 = global_attribute5 = globa
1098789264 sid:100340148: l_attribute6 = global_attribute7 = global_attribute8 = global_attribute9 = g
1098789266 sid:100340148: lobal_attribute10 = global_attribute11 = global_attribute12 = global_attribut
1098789268 sid:100340148: e13 = global_attribute14 = global_attribute15 = global_attribute16 = global_
1098789270 sid:100340148: attribute17 = global_attribute18 = global_attribute19 = global_attribute20 =
1098789272 sid:100340148: doc_category_code = voucher_num = payment_method_code = pay_group_lookup_c
1098789273 sid:100340148: ode = JEF_LIMS goods_received_date = invoice_received_date = exclusive_payment
1098789275 sid:100340148: _flag = prepay_num = prepay_line_num = prepay_apply_amount = prepay_gl_date
1098789276 sid:100340148: = set_of_books_id = legal_entity_id = 122 tax_only_flag = N tax_only_rcv_match
1098789278 sid:100340148: ed_flag = N remit_to_supplier_name = remit_to_supplier_id = remit_to_supplier_
1098789280 sid:100340148: site = remit_to_supplier_site_id = relationship_id = remit_to_supplier_num =
1098789282 sid:100340148: (Import Invoices 8) Checking for Inconsistent OU
1098790800 sid:100340148: ------------------> invoice_line_id = ###### line_type_lookup_code = TAX line_number = 5 line_group_number =
1098790804 sid:100340148: amount = 0 base amount accounting_date = deferred_acctg_flag = def_acctg_start_date = def_acctg_end_date =
1098790806 sid:100340148: def_acctg_number_of_period = def_acctg_period_type = description = EXEMPT prorate_across_flag = Y
1098790808 sid:100340148: po_header_id = po_number = po_line_id = po_line_number = po_release_id = release_num =
1098790810 sid:100340148: po_line_location_id = po_shipment_num = po_distribution_id = po_distribution_num
1098790812 sid:100340148: = unit_of_meas_lookup_code = inventory_item_id = item_description = purchasing_
1098790814 sid:100340148: category_id = purchasing_category = quantity_invoiced = ship_to_location_code =
1098790816 sid:100340148: unit_price = final_match_flag = distribution_set_id = distribution_set_name = di
1098790818 sid:100340148: st_code_concatenated = dist_code_combination_id = awt_group_id = awt_group_name
1098790820 sid:100340148: = balancing_segment = cost_center_segment = account_segment = attribute_category
1098790822 sid:100340148: = attribute1 = attribute2 = attribute3 = attribute4 = attribute5 = attribute6 =
1098790824 sid:100340148: attribute7 = attribute8 = attribute9 = attribute10 = attribute11 = attribute12
1098790826 sid:100340148: = attribute13 = attribute14 = attribute15 = global_attribute_category = global_a
1098790828 sid:100340148: ttribute1 = global_attribute2 = global_attribute3 = global_attribute4 = global_a
1098790830 sid:100340148: ttribute5 = global_attribute6 = global_attribute7 = global_attribute8 = global_a
1098790832 sid:100340148: ttribute9 = global_attribute10 = global_attribute11 = global_attribute12 = globa
1098790834 sid:100340148: l_attribute13 = global_attribute14 = global_attribute15 = global_attribute16 = g
1098790836 sid:100340148: lobal_attribute17 = global_attribute18 = global_attribute19 = global_attribute20
1098790838 sid:100340148: = project_id = task_id = award_id = expenditure_type = expenditure_item_date =
1098790840 sid:100340148: expenditure_organization_id = pa_addition_flag = pa_quantity = stat_amount = typ
1098790842 sid:100340148: e_1099 = income_tax_region = asset_tracking_flag = asset_book_type_code = asset_
1098790844 sid:100340148: category_id = serial_number = manufacturer = model_number = warranty_number = pr
1098790902 sid:100340148: (Check Qty UOM non PO 2) Check Qty related information vs line type.
1098790904 sid:100340148: (Check Qty UOM non PO 4) Check Qty information when UOM populated
1098790906 sid:100340148: ------------------> l_temp_line_status = Y
1098790908 sid:100340148: (Check_lines 19) Call v_check_invalid_awt_group
1098790911 sid:100340148: (Check AWT Group 2) Check for Inactive AWT Group
1098790914 sid:100340148: ------------------> l_temp_line_status = Y
1098790916 sid:100340148: (Check_lines 19) Call v_check_invalid_line_pay_awt_g
1098790918 sid:100340148: ------------------> l_temp_line_status = Y
1098790920 sid:100340148: (Check_lines 20) Call v_check_duplicate_line_num
1098790927 sid:100340148: (Check Duplicate Line Number 1) Check for Duplicate Line Number.
1098790930 sid:100340148: ------------------> l_temp_line_status = Y
1098790932 sid:100340148: (Check_lines 21) Call v_check_asset_info
1098790935 sid:100340148: (Check Asset Book 1) Verify asset info not on non-item line
1098790937 sid:100340148: (Check Asset Book 2) Verify asset book if not null
1098790939 sid:100340148: (Check Asset Book 3) Verify asset category if not null
1098790942 sid:100340148: ------------------> l_temp_line_status = Y
1098790944 sid:100340148: (Check_lines 22) Call v_check_misc_line_info
1098790946 sid:100340148: (Check Misc Line Info 3) Defaulting type 1099 from supplier
1098790949 sid:100340148: ------------------> l_temp_line_status = Y
1098790951 sid:100340148: ------------------> p_invoice_lines_tab(i).ship_to_location_id =
1098790953 sid:100340148: (Check_lines 23) Call v_check_tax_line_info
1098790956 sid:100340148: (Check Tax Line Info 2) Check for control_amount greater than line amount
1098790958 sid:100340148: (Check Tax Line Info 3) Tax should not be inclusive if tax line is PO matched
1098790960 sid:100340148: (Check Tax Line Info 4.8) Tax_regime_code and tax are required in tax lines to be imported
1098790965 sid:100340148: ------------------> l_temp_line_status = Y
1098790967 sid:100340148: (Check Lines 25) Checking the total dist amount to be prorated
1098790969 sid:100340148: (Check Prorate Info 1) Checking the total dist amount to be prorated
1098790972 sid:100340148: (Insert Rejections 1) Insert into AP_INTERFACE_REJECTIONS, REJECT CODE:CANNOT PRORATE TO ZERO
1098790980 sid:100340148: (Check Prorate Info 2) Checking lines to prorate across.
1098790983 sid:100340148: ------------------> l_temp_line_status = N
1098790984 sid:100340148: (Check Lines 28) Update global context code
1098790986 sid:100340148: (Check_lines 28) Call V_CHECK_GDF_VALIDATION
1098790988 sid:100340148: CCID passing to FV API ----->
1098790990 sid:100340148: (Check GDF VALIDATION) Call CHECK_GDF_VALID
1098790992 Check FV_ENABLED
1098790993 sid:100340148: (Check GDF VALIDATION) GDF is valid
1098790995 sid:100340148: ------------------> l_temp_line_status = Y
1098790996 sid:100340148: invoice_status is:N
1098790998 sid:100340148: (Import_invoice 17.1) Change the invoice status to REJECTING
1098790999 sid:100340148: (Change_invoice_status 1) Change invoice status to REJECTING
1098791001 sid:100340148: (Import_invoice 7) FETCH import_invoices
1098791003 sid:100340148: (Import_invoice) CLOSE import_invoices
1098791005 sid:100340148: (Import_invoice -->Execution completed for first loop:23-MAY-15 06:39:20
1098789209 sid:100340148: (Import_Invoices 4c) Total Invoices: l_total_count:1
1098789211 sid:100340148: (Import_Invoices 4d) l_continue_flag:Y
1098789213 sid:100340148: (Import_invoice 5.5) Unwinding Caching Org Id/Name
1098789215 sid:100340148: Index Value: 103, MOAC Cached Org_Id: 103, MOAC Cached Operating Unit: WFCA_ORG
1098789216 sid:100340148: Index Value: 122, MOAC Cached Org_Id: 122, MOAC Cached Operating Unit: West Fraser US
1098789222 sid:100340148: Index Value: 203, MOAC Cached Org_Id: 203, MOAC Cached Operating Unit: WFCPP_ORG
1098789224 sid:100340148: Index Value: 103, FSP Cached Org_Id: 103
1098789226 sid:100340148: Index Value: 203, FSP Cached Org_Id: 203
1098789228 sid:100340148: Index Value: 122, FSP Cached Org_Id: 122
1098789230 sid:100340148: (Import_invoice 6) Open import_invoices cursor
1098789233 sid:100340148: (Import_invoice -->Execution started for first loop:23-MAY-15 06:39:20
1098789235 sid:100340148: (Import_invoice 7) FETCH import_invoices
1098789237 sid:100340148: ------------------> invoice_id = ###### invoice_num = 1XXXXXXXA invoice_type_lookup_code = CREDIT invoice_date = 14-APR-23 po_number = vendor_id = 282072
1098789241 sid:100340148: vendor_num = 90912 vendor_name = vendor_site_id = 235667 vendor_site_code =
1098789243 sid:100340148: AVINGER party_id = party_site_id = pay_proc_trxn_type_code = payment_func
1098789245 sid:100340148: tion = invoice_amount = 0 base_currency_code = invoice_currency_code = USD pa
1098789246 sid:100340148: yment_currency_code = USD exchange_rate = exchange_rate_type = exchange_date
1098789248 sid:100340148: = 28-APR-23 terms_id = terms_name = description = awt_group_id = awt_g
1098789250 sid:100340148: roup_name = pay_awt_group_id = pay_awt_group_name = last_update_date = 15
1098789252 sid:100340148: -MAY-23 last_updated_by = last_update_login = creation_date = 15-MAY-23 att
1098789254 sid:100340148: ribute_category = attribute1 = attribute2 = attribute3 = attribute4 = attri
1098789256 sid:100340148: bute5 = attribute6 = attribute7 = attribute8 = 3658504 attribute9 = 122780-16
1098789258 sid:100340148: 642 attribute10 = TX16642 attribute11 = attribute12 = attribute13 = attribute
1098789260 sid:100340148: 14 = attribute15 = global_attribute_category = global_attribute1 = global_at
1098789262 sid:100340148: tribute2 = global_attribute3 = global_attribute4 = global_attribute5 = globa
1098789264 sid:100340148: l_attribute6 = global_attribute7 = global_attribute8 = global_attribute9 = g
1098789266 sid:100340148: lobal_attribute10 = global_attribute11 = global_attribute12 = global_attribut
1098789268 sid:100340148: e13 = global_attribute14 = global_attribute15 = global_attribute16 = global_
1098789270 sid:100340148: attribute17 = global_attribute18 = global_attribute19 = global_attribute20 =
1098789272 sid:100340148: doc_category_code = voucher_num = payment_method_code = pay_group_lookup_c
1098789273 sid:100340148: ode = JEF_LIMS goods_received_date = invoice_received_date = exclusive_payment
1098789275 sid:100340148: _flag = prepay_num = prepay_line_num = prepay_apply_amount = prepay_gl_date
1098789276 sid:100340148: = set_of_books_id = legal_entity_id = 122 tax_only_flag = N tax_only_rcv_match
1098789278 sid:100340148: ed_flag = N remit_to_supplier_name = remit_to_supplier_id = remit_to_supplier_
1098789280 sid:100340148: site = remit_to_supplier_site_id = relationship_id = remit_to_supplier_num =
1098789282 sid:100340148: (Import Invoices 8) Checking for Inconsistent OU
1098790800 sid:100340148: ------------------> invoice_line_id = ###### line_type_lookup_code = TAX line_number = 5 line_group_number =
1098790804 sid:100340148: amount = 0 base amount accounting_date = deferred_acctg_flag = def_acctg_start_date = def_acctg_end_date =
1098790806 sid:100340148: def_acctg_number_of_period = def_acctg_period_type = description = EXEMPT prorate_across_flag = Y
1098790808 sid:100340148: po_header_id = po_number = po_line_id = po_line_number = po_release_id = release_num =
1098790810 sid:100340148: po_line_location_id = po_shipment_num = po_distribution_id = po_distribution_num
1098790812 sid:100340148: = unit_of_meas_lookup_code = inventory_item_id = item_description = purchasing_
1098790814 sid:100340148: category_id = purchasing_category = quantity_invoiced = ship_to_location_code =
1098790816 sid:100340148: unit_price = final_match_flag = distribution_set_id = distribution_set_name = di
1098790818 sid:100340148: st_code_concatenated = dist_code_combination_id = awt_group_id = awt_group_name
1098790820 sid:100340148: = balancing_segment = cost_center_segment = account_segment = attribute_category
1098790822 sid:100340148: = attribute1 = attribute2 = attribute3 = attribute4 = attribute5 = attribute6 =
1098790824 sid:100340148: attribute7 = attribute8 = attribute9 = attribute10 = attribute11 = attribute12
1098790826 sid:100340148: = attribute13 = attribute14 = attribute15 = global_attribute_category = global_a
1098790828 sid:100340148: ttribute1 = global_attribute2 = global_attribute3 = global_attribute4 = global_a
1098790830 sid:100340148: ttribute5 = global_attribute6 = global_attribute7 = global_attribute8 = global_a
1098790832 sid:100340148: ttribute9 = global_attribute10 = global_attribute11 = global_attribute12 = globa
1098790834 sid:100340148: l_attribute13 = global_attribute14 = global_attribute15 = global_attribute16 = g
1098790836 sid:100340148: lobal_attribute17 = global_attribute18 = global_attribute19 = global_attribute20
1098790838 sid:100340148: = project_id = task_id = award_id = expenditure_type = expenditure_item_date =
1098790840 sid:100340148: expenditure_organization_id = pa_addition_flag = pa_quantity = stat_amount = typ
1098790842 sid:100340148: e_1099 = income_tax_region = asset_tracking_flag = asset_book_type_code = asset_
1098790844 sid:100340148: category_id = serial_number = manufacturer = model_number = warranty_number = pr
1098790902 sid:100340148: (Check Qty UOM non PO 2) Check Qty related information vs line type.
1098790904 sid:100340148: (Check Qty UOM non PO 4) Check Qty information when UOM populated
1098790906 sid:100340148: ------------------> l_temp_line_status = Y
1098790908 sid:100340148: (Check_lines 19) Call v_check_invalid_awt_group
1098790911 sid:100340148: (Check AWT Group 2) Check for Inactive AWT Group
1098790914 sid:100340148: ------------------> l_temp_line_status = Y
1098790916 sid:100340148: (Check_lines 19) Call v_check_invalid_line_pay_awt_g
1098790918 sid:100340148: ------------------> l_temp_line_status = Y
1098790920 sid:100340148: (Check_lines 20) Call v_check_duplicate_line_num
1098790927 sid:100340148: (Check Duplicate Line Number 1) Check for Duplicate Line Number.
1098790930 sid:100340148: ------------------> l_temp_line_status = Y
1098790932 sid:100340148: (Check_lines 21) Call v_check_asset_info
1098790935 sid:100340148: (Check Asset Book 1) Verify asset info not on non-item line
1098790937 sid:100340148: (Check Asset Book 2) Verify asset book if not null
1098790939 sid:100340148: (Check Asset Book 3) Verify asset category if not null
1098790942 sid:100340148: ------------------> l_temp_line_status = Y
1098790944 sid:100340148: (Check_lines 22) Call v_check_misc_line_info
1098790946 sid:100340148: (Check Misc Line Info 3) Defaulting type 1099 from supplier
1098790949 sid:100340148: ------------------> l_temp_line_status = Y
1098790951 sid:100340148: ------------------> p_invoice_lines_tab(i).ship_to_location_id =
1098790953 sid:100340148: (Check_lines 23) Call v_check_tax_line_info
1098790956 sid:100340148: (Check Tax Line Info 2) Check for control_amount greater than line amount
1098790958 sid:100340148: (Check Tax Line Info 3) Tax should not be inclusive if tax line is PO matched
1098790960 sid:100340148: (Check Tax Line Info 4.8) Tax_regime_code and tax are required in tax lines to be imported
1098790965 sid:100340148: ------------------> l_temp_line_status = Y
1098790967 sid:100340148: (Check Lines 25) Checking the total dist amount to be prorated
1098790969 sid:100340148: (Check Prorate Info 1) Checking the total dist amount to be prorated
1098790972 sid:100340148: (Insert Rejections 1) Insert into AP_INTERFACE_REJECTIONS, REJECT CODE:CANNOT PRORATE TO ZERO
1098790980 sid:100340148: (Check Prorate Info 2) Checking lines to prorate across.
1098790983 sid:100340148: ------------------> l_temp_line_status = N
1098790984 sid:100340148: (Check Lines 28) Update global context code
1098790986 sid:100340148: (Check_lines 28) Call V_CHECK_GDF_VALIDATION
1098790988 sid:100340148: CCID passing to FV API ----->
1098790990 sid:100340148: (Check GDF VALIDATION) Call CHECK_GDF_VALID
1098790992 Check FV_ENABLED
1098790993 sid:100340148: (Check GDF VALIDATION) GDF is valid
1098790995 sid:100340148: ------------------> l_temp_line_status = Y
1098790996 sid:100340148: invoice_status is:N
1098790998 sid:100340148: (Import_invoice 17.1) Change the invoice status to REJECTING
1098790999 sid:100340148: (Change_invoice_status 1) Change invoice status to REJECTING
1098791001 sid:100340148: (Import_invoice 7) FETCH import_invoices
1098791003 sid:100340148: (Import_invoice) CLOSE import_invoices
1098791005 sid:100340148: (Import_invoice -->Execution completed for first loop:23-MAY-15 06:39:20
Notice the highlighted lines above.
Customer has server-side API package body AP_IMPORT_VALIDATION_PKG - source file apiimvtb.pls version 120.121.12010000.145
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In this Document
Symptoms |
Changes |
Cause |
Solution |
References |