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RL1 Amendment Electronic Interface Does Not Generate Output (Doc ID 3015125.1)

Last updated on APRIL 08, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle HRMS (Canada) - Version 12.2.10 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


RL1 Amendment Electronic Interface does not generate XDO Reports to allow us to download the file to be sent to government.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

1. Navigate to CA HRMS manager > Submit Provincial Year End Amendment Preprocess - completed and 1 assignment is processed

2. Run RL1 Amendment Electronic Interface 

No output is generated and it does not generate XDO Reports - main log file shows 0 assignments are processed

3. Update  XDO_RUN and PRINT_FILES Parameters in PAY_ACTION_PARAMETERS Table to be Y

SQL>Update pay_action_parameters set parameter_value = 'Y' where parameter_name ='PRINT_FILES' ;
        Update pay_action_parameters set parameter_value = 'Y' where parameter_name='RUN_XDO' ;


4. Rerun the process again  it errors ORA-01403: no data found. 

5. Update XDO_RUN and PRINT_FILES Parameters in PAY_ACTION_PARAMETERS Table Back to N 


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