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Lot Genealogy shows wrong lot details from Different Organization (Doc ID 3040076.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 23, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Process Manufacturing Process Execution - Version 12.2.12 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


 When request lot genealogy for lot A and item 1 in organization XX, for same ingredient, Lot genealogy shows same lot from another organization YY instead of XX


1.Create a formula with lot controlled Ingredient and Product Item.
2.Create recipe with same formula.
3.Create a batch using the formula in XX Org.
4. Create a WIP Issue transaction for Ingredient Item with 'A' lot.
5. Create a WIP Completion transaction for Product Item.
6. In YY Org, Create a Misc Receipt transaction for ingredient Item with same 'A' lot.
7. Create lot genealogy mapping for product lot and ingredient lot.
8. Verify the lot genealogy for the product lot and ingredient lot mapped is from YY.


 Made changes in procedure GME_LOT_SERIAL_MAPPINGS_PVT.process_mapping to fetch the gen_object_id based on lot number/organization.


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