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Margin Calculation Wrong On Sales Order Line When Changing Operating Unit in the Sales Order Form (Doc ID 3059818.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 19, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Order Management - Version 12.2.9 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Margin calculation is defined per operating unit on system parameters. For some this is set as Price based for others Cost based.
When using a global order management responsibility seeing incorrect margin calculation on line level in this scenario then query
a sales order using Order Organizer for an operating unit where it's setup to calculate the margin cost based, this is working correct.
Then query a sales order (without exiting the form) where the margin calculation is defined as price based, the margin is on line level still cost based calculated and showing wrong calculation.

Note: exit the form and query the same sales order, the price is showing the correct calculated price based margin.

Expect Margin Calculation to show the correct Margin Calculation.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Responsibility: Order Management Super User (or equivalent)
2. Navigate to Setup on system parameters, query the operating unit (this example is using generic Operating Units for US and Europe ) ‘ Oracle EU OU ’ the margin calculation parameters is set to Price based
3. For operating unit ‘ Oracle US OU’ the margin calculation parameters is set to Cost based
4. Retrieve sales order information on a global responsibility (allowed to retrieve sales orders from different operating units)
5. Retrieve ' Oracle US OU ' sales order and can see Header margin is correct and also Line margin is correct
6. Go to Find (no exit of the program or form) and retrieve / query the ' Oracle EU OU ' sales order
  Navigate to: Orders, Returns > Sales Orders
  Query the sales order
  Click on the line items tab > then on the pricing tab
  The sales order line has incorrect margin calculation on sales order line
7. Header margin is correct
8. Line margin is not correct (based on cost Internal Sales Orders(ISO) price)
9. Exit the program / Form and retrieve/ query again the ' Oracle EU OU ' sales order and can see now line margin is correct.


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