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Service Passthrough Expense Accrual And Processing Fee Accrual Streams Not Prorated (Doc ID 3062926.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 12, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Lease and Finance Management - Version 12.2.11 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Service Passthrough Expense Accrual and Processing fee Accrual streams issue when applied to assets

When contract has more than one asset and Service passthrough is applied to all the assets. Accrual streams ‘Service passthrough Expense Accrual’ and ‘Processing fee accrual ‘are not prorated to assets. For each asset, full amount of accruals are getting generated, where as Disbursement Payable invoice for passthrough amount is prorated as per assets.

1. Create Operating Lease contract – ESG Pricing Engine
2. Add TWO assets on the contract
3. Additional Charges tab- Add Service line and define Passthrough for the Service
4. Passthrough Payout Basis is Due date and for Fixed amount, also add Processing fee amount in the passthrough section. Example 900 disbursement amount and 100 processing fee accrual
5. Apply Assets to the service passthrough line
6. In Payment tab- add service payment and apply to assets
7. Price the contract
8. Noticed the issue
a. Service passthrough Accrual stream is showing full passthrough amount 900 each month for each asset
b. Processing fee accrual stream is showing full amount for each asset 100 per month each asset
9. Run disbursement and noticed the Disbursement Payables invoice is correctly generated for 450$ each asset 




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