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PA_TRX_IMPORT.VALIDATEITEM Does Not Auto Refresh Unless the User Logs Out of the Database and Back In. (Doc ID 3063045.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 12, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Project Costing - Version 12.2.12 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Users have a transaction that returns the error message 'NL_RSRC_INACTIVE' indicating that the non-labor resource has bad dates, i.e., when trying to charge against the non-labor resource with an expenditure_item_date of 2-JUN-2024 and the start date of the non-labor resource is 3-JUN-2024. Users go into the forms and change the start date to 2-JUN-2024, for the non-labor resource and the organization under it. Afterwards, they try to re-validate the transaction and it gives the same error message again. They then close the database connection and start a new connection.  After reconnecting, the transaction returns a success message. Users need for this to work correctly without needing to drop and re-connect the database connection.

Users are creating an interface between an external system and Oracle EBS environment and are trying to use pa_trx_import.validateitem to validate a transaction before it is imported into Oracle.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Tested with no two forms open at the same time, therefore, changes made on each form.

a) > Projects, Vision Services (USA) > Setup > Non-Labor Resources.

In the Non-Labor Resources screen, enter the following.

Name=bas non-labor res
Description=bas non-labor resource
Expenditure Type=Computers
Enable for Planning=unchecked
Effective Dates From/To=01-JAN-2010 to null

Under the Organizations section, enter the following:

Effective Dates From/To=01-JAN-2010 to null

Assume Cost Rates are not used.

b) > Projects, Vision Services (USA) > Setup > Transaction Sources.

In the Transaction Sources screen, enter the following.

Transaction Source=bas usages
Default Expenditure Type class="Usages"
Checked only the following boxes: Allow Duplicate Reference, Allow Reversals, Allow Adjustments.
Processing Set Size=1000
Effective Dates From/To=01-JAN-2000 - null

c) > Projects, Vision Services (USA) > Expenditures > Transaction Import > Review Transactions.

1. Created a new folder, bas_review_transaction with certain columns appearing.

2. Entered the following.

Operating Unit=Vision services
Transaction source=bas usages

Transaction Source=bas usages
Transaction Source=bas usages
Expnd Ending Date=10-JAN-2010
Expnd Item Date=04-JAN-2010
Batch Name=bas usages test
Project Number=bas work/work 1
Task Number=1
Employee Number=2397
Expnd Type=Computers
Expnd Type class="USG"
Non-Labor Resource=bas non-labor res
Non-Labor Org=Services-East
Operating Unit=Vision services
Raw Cost Rate=100
Trans Curr=USD
Trans Raw Cost=300
Original Trans Ref=bas usages test

Save record. No errors.

3. Change only the following fields.

Expnd Ending Date=03-JAN-2010
Expnd Item Date=31-DEC-2009

Save record, but errors with 'Non-Labor Resource inactive'.

Expenditure Comment shows 'Non-Labor Resource inactive'.

d) > Projects, Vision Services (USA) > Setup > Non-Labor Resources.

1. In the Non-Labor Resources screen, change only the following for Name=bas non-labor res.

Effective Dates From/To=31-DEC-2009 to null

2. Under the Organizations section, change the following for Name=Services-East.

Effective Dates From/To=31-DEC-2009 to null

Save record.

e) Under step 3, changed Quantity=3 to 2. Then change back from 2 to 3. Save record. Save successfully with no errors.


NOTE:  In the user details above represent a fictitious sample (based upon made up data used in the Oracle Demo Vision instance).  Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended in any manner.



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