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Create Accounting - Cost Management with Error APP-FND-00806 (Doc ID 436012.1)

Last updated on JUNE 29, 2021

Applies to:

Oracle Cost Management - Version 12.0.0 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When attempting to run Create Accounting - Cost Management (CSTCRACC) process, to transfer month-end inventory transactions to GL, an error message is received. Also, the parameters screen shows that the Ledger parameter is grayed out and there are no values in LOV for the 'Process Category' parameter.

The same Error is generated when running the Transfer Journal Entries to GL process (CSTGLTRN).


APP-FND-00806: The default value Bills of Material is invalid for the Application segment. Your default value will be ignored. Please inform your system administrator that:

Add the value Bills of Material to the value set for segment Application, or choose another default value in the Key Flexfield Segments form or Descriptive Flexfield Segments form. Use the Edit Concurrent Program or Define Report Set form for Standard Report Submission report defaults.


The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Connect to Cost Management Responsibility.
2. Go to Requests and Submit Create Accounting – Cost Management process.
3. The above error is generated.


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