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Troubleshoot/FAQ for EB-Tax and IProcurement Release 12 (Doc ID 473572.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 20, 2021

Applies to:

Oracle iProcurement - Version 12.0.0 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Requisition Creation
Requisition Review and Submit
Requisition Change Order


In release 12, eB-Tax functionality is used in iProcurement. The E-Business Tax is a single point solution for managing transaction based tax across the E-Business Suite. The following text details frequently reported questions and issues on tax specification and calculation in iProcurement.

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 Is eB-Tax implementation an option for customers?
 Does iProcurement use the same eB-Tax interface as core purchasing opening ManageTaxReqPG.xml to input tax data?
 Will iProcurement store tax data in the requisition distribution table (po_req_distributions_all) or will tax data be stored in eB-Tax tables?
 Will iProcurement still populate TAX_USER_OVERRIDE_FLAG in po_requisition_lines_all table?
 Is Product Type an Additional Tax Attribute?
 How will iProcurement handle tax when requisition change order created?
 When using Copy Requisition functionality, how are tax determining factors and additional tax attributes handled on the newly created requisition?
 For one time item, there is no item_id, eB-Tax does not currently allow this condition. How does iProcurement handle this situation?
 What should be the value for the distribution level transaction_date?  Should it be the line-level need-by-date or the sysdate? Which application requires this functionality?
 eB-Tax is expecting header-level currency. However, in iProcurement  currency is line-level. How is this handled?
 How are eB-Tax tables ZX_TXN_HEADERS_GT and  ZX_TRANSACTION_LINES_GT used in iProcurement?
 How is eB-Tax table ZX_ITM_DISTRIBUTIONS_GT used in iProcurement?
 Legacy Requisition Issue: If a default recovery rate is specified in new R12 system,  will all upgraded requisitions use the default recovery rate?
 What pages and functions will be altered due to the integration of eB-Tax in iProcurement?
 Will users be allowed to override the "Taxable" attribute of a requisition?
  Changes made on CheckoutLinesPG Design

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