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FAQ: Inventory Standard Datafixes (Doc ID 568012.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 10, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Inventory Management - Version and later
Oracle Item Master - Version 12.2.6 to 12.2.6 [Release 12.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
This document includes all versions of 11i and R12 and later





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In this Document
 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
 1. Where do I get the datafixes?
 2. Can I run the datafix proactively?
 3. What are the Top 5 Datafixes?
 4. Why do I need to keep running the same datafixes over and over?
 5. What are other common datafix notes?
 6. Where can I discuss datafixes?
 1. Reservations
 2. Move Orders
 3. Zero Onhand
 4. Inventory Items
 5. Duplicate Bills of Material (BOM)
 6. Inventory Manager
 1. MMT/MOQD Mismatch
 2. Closed Move Orders
 3. Missing Move Orders
 4. Marked Serial Numbers
 5. Serial number with leading/trailing spaces
 6. Lot number with leading/trailing spaces
 7. Corrupted Onhand related to Lots
 8. Physical Inventory Adjustment Errors
 9. Sales Order reservations created with Zero demand header
 10. Error while costing Material transactions
 11. Incorrect Demand header id
 12. Onhand records with locator populated when sub inventory is not locator controlled
 13. Locator stamped on onhand record is different from the one existing in mtl_item_locations for the subinventory
 14. Onhand have records with Null Locator when Sub inventory is locator controlled
 15. The Update Standard Costs program is failing with the following error:Invalid value for intransit_owning_org_id in table MTL_SUPPLY
 16. Stuck transaction with 'Error occurred while relieving reservations' due to incorrect or negative availability
 17. Duplicate transactions in MTI already posted in MMTT and MMT and in MMTT already posted into MMT
 18. View material transactions screen raise error APP-FND-00756:CANNOT FIND COMBINATION CCID=40225 CODE=MKTS
 19. Negative TRANSACTION_SOURCE_ID in the inventory transactions table (MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS)
 20. 'CST_INVALID_INTERORG' Error while costing Material transactions
 21. Sales Order Issue transaction missing in MTI and MMT for a drop ship PO receipt and Sales Order line Shipped Qty not updated
 22. Missing move order header
 23. Missing record in MTL_SALES_ORDERS
 C. Other Datafix Related Notes
 D. Items / Bills of Material / PIM

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