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Generic Receiving Datafix Scripts and Root Cause Patches (Doc ID 601639.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 29, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Inventory Management - Version 11.5.9 to 12.1.3 [Release 11.5 to 12.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


What are the supported Generic Receiving Datafix Scripts and Root Cause Patches that are available for Receiving?


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In this Document
 List of Generic Receiving Datafix Scripts and Root Cause Patches available for Receiving:
 1. Missing Item Revision for Shipment Lines
 2. Missing Shipment Supply
 3. Fractional Quantities Remain in the Supply Tables (rcv_supply, mtl_supply)
 4. Intransit shipments (InterOrg Transfers or Internal Orders) cannot be transacted in destination/receiving inventory organization
 5. Some records in rcv_transactions have a null locator_id
 6. Receiving Transactions Show Wrong User (created_by and last_updated_by)
 7. N/A <Internal_Only> Incorrect Receipt Source Code</Internal_Only>
 8. Missing Receipt or Shipment Header Records (RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS table)
 9. WMS cleanup script
 10. Incorrect Primary and Source Doc Qty
 11. Null Employee Id on Some Receiving Transactions
 12. Null Vendor Site Id on Some Receiving Transactions
 13. Interorg Shipments and/or Internal Sales Order shipments which are completed successfully cannot be received as the Receiving shipment data is missing/not created.
 14. Missing RECEIVING supply in mtl_supply
 15. Missing RECEIVING supply in rcv_supply
 16. Shipment header id corrupted in RCV tables for ISO/IOT shipments
 17. Unordered receipt transactions exist under IOT/ISO
 18. Incorrect RMA line in RCV tables for split rma lines
 19. Missing SHIPMENT/RECEIVING serials supply in RSS
 20. Incorrect category stamped on RMA receipts
 21. Orphan Receipt or Shipment Header records exist (rcv_shipment_headers)
 22. Receipt_num is not stamped on Receipt Shipment Header when automatic receipt generation is setup
 23. Records in RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE are not visible on Transaction Status Summary Form
 24. Corrupted ASN Shipment Supply in MS
 25. Cancel the work confirmation
 26. DropShip POs transactions in LCM Org Stuck as LC_PENDING or LC_INTERFACED
 27. Drop unwanted supply from MS & RS
 28. Remove item description's special characters in shipment line
 29. Incorrect organization_id in RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS
 30. Delete RCV specific orphan MTLI and MSNI records
 31. Delete the errored timecard receipts and corrections from receiving interface tables
 32. PO line corruption
 33. Purge successful RHI
 34. Organization corrupted for Return orders without documents 
 35. RTI records from LCM have not null secondary columns populated though the item is not tracked in dual uom
 36. Duplicate receipt numbers in Receipts Headers for a receipt organization  
 37. Missing secondary UOM&qty in RCV tables for DUAL UOM controlled item 
 38. Resubmit pending and remove orphan RTI of ISO/IOTNEW
 39. Incorrect destination_type_code for RETURN TO RECEIVING txn in rcv_transaction
 40. Supplier/supplier site info are not changed in RSH,RT after running Supplier merge program
 41. Incorrect REQ supply data in mtl_supply after the creation of Internal Intransit shipments
 42. PO putway failed in WMS org for multiple expiration dates in RLS

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