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Main Line Change Process Is Failed With Errors If Facilities Are Not Available. (Doc ID 3024355.1)

Last updated on JUNE 02, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle FLEXCUBE Enterprise Limits and Collateral Management - Version to [Release 14]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : version, Production Support-SET

Main_Line Change process is failed with errors if Facilities are not available.

We have Facility A.1 with main_line CAP.1 and both are unavailable (available flag is unchecked). So, we are changing main_line of facility A.1 from CAP.1 to LIMIT.1 where LIMIT.1 is also not available and all 3 facilities are open. But main_line change processed with errors :
GEDFMLCG_03, GEDFMLCG_04, GEDFMLCG_05 and GEDFMLCG_06 and also GEDFMLCG_03 is coming twice in the application which is not expected.
: Even if facilities are unavailable, as these are in open status, it should allow for main_line change operation.
Only if facility is closed then only it should give these errors.
One more thing if we observe here we are getting GEDFMLC_03 twice which is not expected.
GEDFMLCG_03, GEDFMLCG_04 Errors should come only if facilities are closed.
GEDFMLCG_05,GEDFMLCG_05 errors should not come because system should allow for main_line change operation even if facility is expired or unavailable.

These errors are not there in previous versions also and bank / customer is not satisfied with this as these errors are stopping them to do main_line change operation for facilities that are unavailable.
Please find the test evidence where we have provided two scenarios and also logs.
Note: they will be changing the line expiry date of facilities after they do the main_line change process if required.

GEDFMLCG_03, GEDFMLCG_04, GEDFMLCG_05 and GEDFMLCG_06 and also GEDFMLCG_03 is coming twice in the application which is not expected.


Fix provided to display the error code only once and avoid duplicates.


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