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FCUBS | EOPD Batch Failed To Move Data To History Table (Doc ID 3035549.1)

Last updated on JULY 19, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


FCUBS | EOPD batch failed to move data to history table

Users are facing issue with the EOPD movement at regular intervals. 
But when observed whenever the EOD goes in loop because of the TD account, they have to mark stop IC or because of some other reason if entries are not posted then system later pick those entries and post them with same value date but different transaction date.

As part of next day EOPD batch, movement of these entries fails because of unique constraint 'UX01_ICZB_INTRADAY_ACCT_ENT_HIST' - as the pkey fields are '(BRN, ACC, PROD, FRM_NO, ENT_DT, EVENT, SERIAL_NO)' ,


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