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Target2MX Passthrough Wrong Debtor Details Population After Enrich (Doc ID 3063594.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 15, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Banking Payments - Version to [Release 14]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


While user attempting to modify received Swift Target2MX passthrough payment in PSDOT2CV screen, clicks Enrich the following issues are encountered:

Debtor Account Identification field is erased and left as null
Debtor IBAN field is populated with the IBAN of the debtor account maintained in the system, instead of being populated with the IBAN of the Ordering Customer as per the original MT message
Debtor Account Name field is not populated (it should be derived from the system when no information present in this field)
Debtor Account Currency field is not populated (it should be derived from the system when no information present in this field)
Country of Residence field is not populated (it should be derived from the system when no information present in this field)

While processing Swift-Target2MX payment message in Non-STP queue via screen PSDOT2CV, system should seamlessly allowed user to perform validation and fetch Debtor account related details correctly.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

1. Swift - Target2MX passthrough payment is received in OBPM.
2. The payment falls in NonSTP queue and can be viewed on PSDOT2CV screen.
3. Field 50 of the swift message is mapped to Debtor Account Identification field on screen.
4. On Modify action on Non-STP queue and enrich action.




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