EAP: Consolidated Solution for Overflow and Payment Advice issues in Payables Release 9.1
(Doc ID 1473186.1)
Last updated on DECEMBER 09, 2024
Applies to:
PeopleSoft Enterprise FIN Payables - Version 9.1 to 9.1 [Release 9]Information in this document applies to any platform.
For Release 9.1, merging of all the Overflow and Payment Advice issues below into one resolution for existing Customers who do not want to apply bundles.
Customer will need to be at least up to Bundle #9 or later in order to apply this resolution.
6 - Crystal/XMLP Check prints blank when EFT Payment Advice prints first
10 -Pay Cycle abends at step AP_APY2015.P_INSPAY.STEP25
1 - Payment Inquiry page does not show all Vouchers paid (including the overflow checks) on the same Check
The Payment Inquiry page does not show all Vouchers paid (including the overflow checks) on the same Check (Payment Reference ID) after applying FMS Financials 8.9 Bundle #40.
TEST 1 -- After Bundle #40 (ERROR)
1. Payment Form CHECK3: Advice Lines: 2
2. Create 5 Vouchers for the same Vendor
3. Run the Pay Cycle
4. Payment Inquiry page
Payment Reference ID = 009016 shows 2 Vouchers/Payments
Payment Reference ID = 009017 shows 2 Vouchers/Payments
Payment Reference ID = 009018 shows 1 Vouchers/Payments
ERROR: Only 2 Vouchers are included for Payment Reference ID = 009016. Does not include Overflow records. Must include all Payment Reference IDs to see all Vouchers.
0000010015 009016 15000.000
0000010016 009017 0.000
0000010017 009018 0.000
009016 009016 2000.000 0000010015
009016 009016 1000.000 0000010015
009017 009017 4000.000 0000010016
009017 009017 3000.000 0000010016
009018 009018 5000.000 0000010017
TEST 2 - Before Bundle #40 (OK)
1. Payment Form CHECK3: Advice Lines: 2
2. Create 5 Vouchers for the same Vendor
3. Run the Pay Cycle
4. Payment Inquiry page
Payment Reference ID = 009034 shows all 5 Vouchers/Payments
Payment Reference ID = 009035 does not show any Vouchers/Payments
Payment Reference ID = 009036 does not show any Vouchers/Payments
All Vouchers (including Overflows) are included on only one Payment Reference ID (009034), which is correct.
0000010047 009034 15000.000
0000010048 009035 0.000
0000010049 009036 0.000
009034 009034 2000.000 0000010047
009034 009034 1000.000 0000010047
009035 009034 4000.000 0000010048
009035 009034 3000.000 0000010048
009036 009034 5000.000 0000010049
2 - Payment Advice Line Overflow Is Not Working
Payment advices are not printed correctly.
Advice location = Same Report as Check
Overflow location = Separate Advice Report
Advice Lines = 1
The issue is that the check is printed and the Voucher #1 total is printed. On the Advice, Voucher #1 and Voucher #2 is printed. It should only print Voucher #2.
If using Crystal Check, sometimes the results will be both Voucher #1 and Voucher #2 appear on the first advice and second advice.
Voucher #1 should be on first advice with the check and Voucher #2 should be on the advice.
1. Create 2 vouchers for the same vendor with 5 invoice lines each.
2. Pay the vouchers so that overflow is created.
3. Run Check Printing process.
4. The amount on the check includes overflow amount however, the overflows are not printed correctly.
3 - Payment Overflow ID Incorrect For Vouchers Created With Separate Payment
The Payment Overflow ID is assigned incorrectly for Vouchers that have the same Vendor ID with the Separate Payment box checked on the Voucher > Payments page and are processed together during the Pay Cycle. Due to this, the Payment Inquiry page is showing incorrect results when displaying the Vouchers associated to each Check. All of the Vouchers are appearing underneath the 1st Check Number instead of their own respective Check Numbers.
1.Setup external bank account and payment method EFT with Form ID EFT1
2. Create 2 vouchers for the same vendor and check Separate Payment on both vouchers
3. Run pay cycle and pay the vouchers separately
4. Check on Payment Inquiry page and both vouchers will be showed under the first payment reference and no voucher under the second payment reference
5. Payment Overflow ID from PYMNT_ADVICE record is incorrectly populated with the Reference ID of the first payment processed.
4 - Overflow Reference Number is incorrect when new Reference Numbers are created
Overflow Reference Number is incorrect when new Reference Numbers are created on Check Restart.
1. Payment Form CHECK3 has Advice Overflow line of 1
2. External Bank uses CHECK3 for System Check
3. Create 2 vouchers for the same Vendor.
4. Run Pay Cycle Manager to pay both Vouchers
5. XMLP/Crystal Check shows Check AA and Overflow Advice BB
6. Overflow Advice BB references an Overflow Reference for AA
7. Do a Check Restart with new Reference Numbers
8. XMLP/Crystal Check shows Check CC and Overflow Advice DD
9. Overflow Advice DD references the Overflow Reference for AA (the old reference).
5 - Payment Overflow ID is not assigned correctly for Vouchers with multiple Business Units
The Payment Overflow ID is assigned incorrectly for Vouchers that have the same Vendor ID but are created for multiple Business Units and are processed together during the Pay Cycle. Due to this, the Payment Inquiry page is showing incorrect results when displaying the Vouchers associated to each Check. All of the Vouchers are appearing underneath the 1st Check Number instead of their own respective Check Numbers.
1. Go to Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Entry and create few Vouchers for Business Unit 1
2. Create few Vouchers for Business unit 2 for the same Vendor.
3. Go to Accounts Payable > Payments > Pay Cycle Processing > Pay Cycle Manager and run the Pay Cycle
4. 2 Checks are printed
5. Inquiry on both Payment Reference ID's through Payment Inquiry
6. For the 1st Payment, the Vouchers For a Payment page displays both Vouchers, which is incorrect. It should display the 1st Voucher
7. For the 2nd Payment, the Vouchers For a Payment page displays no Vouchers, which is incorrect. It should display the 2nd Voucher
6 - Crystal/XMLP Check prints blank when EFT Payment Advice prints first
Crystal/XMLP Check prints blank when EFT Payment Advice prints first
1. EFT Payment on External Bank is with EFT Payment Advice (EFT2)
2. Enter a Voucher for system check
3. Enter a Voucher for EFT payment
4. Enter a Payment Selection Criteria for EFT and System Check
5. Run Pay Cycle Manager and both Vouchers are selected
6. Print the EFT Payment advice first
7. Print the System Check second
8. Crystal Check prints out blank
7 - Incorrect Payment Overflow ID Assigned during Pay Cycle where Different Payment Methods Are Used
The Payment Overflow ID is getting assigned incorrectly for Vouchers which have different Payment Methods for the same Vendor and processed together. Due to this, the Payment Inquiry page is not showing correct results.
1. Create two new Vouchers for the same Vendor. One is for Payment Method CHK and one for EFT
2. Run the Pay Cycle and pay the Vouchers
3. The Payment Overflow ID of the check is the Payment Reference ID of the EFT payment
8 - PYMNT_ADVICE.PYMNT_OVERFLOW_ID field is populated as 'ADVICE' when it should be the Check Number
PYMNT_ADVICE.PYMNT_OVERFLOW_ID field is populated as 'ADVICE' for the advice lines that do not overflow for payment form CHECK1.
1. Set up external bank account with CHECK1 as the form ID for payment method='System Check'.
2. Payment form CHECK1 is setup to have 5 advice lines, Overflow Location as 'Separate Advice report' and Advice Location as 'Same Report as Check'.
3. Create two vouchers with payment methods 'CHCK' and 'WIRE'.
4. Run Pay Cycle for make the payment for the above two vouchers.
5. PYMNT_OVERFLOW_ID in PYMNT_ADVICE table for payment method='chck' is populated as 'ADVICE'.
Since the lines are not overflow lines, PYMNT_OVERFLOW_ID should be same as the check number.
9 - Vouchers for Payment Inquiry Displaying Incorrect Results when using different Addresses
When inquiring on a Payment for a vendor and the next payment for the same vendor was paid to a different Remit Address, the Vouchers for Payment inquiry list the vouchers for both Payments.
1. On Vendors > Vendor Information > Add/Update > Vendor, add a new address to an existing vendor.
2. Navigate to Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Entry and add two vouchers.
3. First voucher with the remit address as seq 1.
4. Second voucher with the remit address as seq 2.
5. Pay these two vouchers.
6. Go to payment inquiry page - the two payments will shows up. (Accounts Payable > Review Accounts Payable Info > Payments > Payment)
7. Then click on the first check no - it will show two vouchers.
8. When clicked on the second check no - nothing shows up.
10 - Pay Cycle abends at step AP_APY2015.P_INSPAY.STEP25
Pay Cycle abends at step AP_APY2015.P_INSPAY.STEP25
1. Enter a Voucher with Payment Method of Customer Initied EFT Draft (BEF)
2. Run Express Payment (or Pay Cycle) to pay the Voucher
3. Pay Cycle abends at step AP_APY2015.P_INSPAY.Step25
11 - Payment Reference missing Voucher Details for Vouchers created with different Locations
When creating two Vouchers for the same vendor, having two locations with same vendor bank account and payment method EFT, the generated file shows two payments, but in the Payment Inquiry page it is only under the 1st reference which is not correct and the second payment shows empty.
1. Create Vendor with two Locations having the same vendor bank information
2. Create two Vouchers each with different Locations and payment method EFT
3. Pay the Vouchers
4. Navigate to Accounts Payable> Review Accounts Payable Info > Payments> Payment and search for the 1st reference you will find the two payments under it
5. Search for the 2nd payment reference and no payment shown under this reference
12 - Payment Overflow ID Incorrect For Vouchers Created With Different Handling Codes
The Payment Overflow ID is assigned incorrectly for Vouchers that have the same Vendor ID but use different Handling Codes and are processed together during the Pay Cycle. Due to this, the Payment Inquiry page is showing incorrect results when displaying the Vouchers associated to each Check. All of the Vouchers are appearing underneath the 1st Check Number instead of their own respective Check Numbers.
1. Create 1st Voucher with Handling = RE on the Voucher > Payments page
2. Create 2nd Voucher for the same Vendor from Step 1 with Handling = HD on the Voucher > Payments page
3. Pay the Vouchers through Pay Cycle Manager
4. 2 Checks are printed
5. Inquiry on both Payment Reference ID's through Payment Inquiry
6. For the 1st Payment, the Vouchers For a Payment page displays both Vouchers, which is incorrect. It should display the 1st Voucher.
7. For the 2nd Payment, the Vouchers For a Payment page displays no Vouchers, which is incorrect. It should display the 2nd Voucher.
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In this Document
Symptoms |
1 - Payment Inquiry page does not show all Vouchers paid (including the overflow checks) on the same Check |
2 - Payment Advice Line Overflow Is Not Working |
3 - Payment Overflow ID Incorrect For Vouchers Created With Separate Payment |
4 - Overflow Reference Number is incorrect when new Reference Numbers are created |
5 - Payment Overflow ID is not assigned correctly for Vouchers with multiple Business Units |
6 - Crystal/XMLP Check prints blank when EFT Payment Advice prints first |
7 - Incorrect Payment Overflow ID Assigned during Pay Cycle where Different Payment Methods Are Used |
8 - PYMNT_ADVICE.PYMNT_OVERFLOW_ID field is populated as 'ADVICE' when it should be the Check Number |
9 - Vouchers for Payment Inquiry Displaying Incorrect Results when using different Addresses |
10 - Pay Cycle abends at step AP_APY2015.P_INSPAY.STEP25 |
11 - Payment Reference missing Voucher Details for Vouchers created with different Locations |
12 - Payment Overflow ID Incorrect For Vouchers Created With Different Handling Codes |
Changes |
Cause |
Solution |
References |