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ETL 9.1: When and How Are Leave Time Edits Invoked In Time and Labor? (Doc ID 1595317.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Time and Labor - Version 9.1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


So what would we expect to happen in our cirumcustance?
1. 5000+ employees are enrolled in time and labor
2. None of those employees have rows on the tl_compleav_tbl yet
3. All the trc's are setup for leave taken
What would happen when one of these employees requests time off via the weekly elapsed time page?  Is it ok to proceed with requesting time off, and then run accruals later?

Second question - Once we turn on the leave validation on the TL installation table, when will the validation occur? We are using the weekly elapsed timesheet to request/record leave hours. If I select online and batch for leave validation on the TL installation page, will the validation automatically occur upon elapsed timesheet SAVE. If I understand this correctly, this is separate from the online RULES processing. This seems like a separate validation process. Just want to make sure that we understand correctly that leave validation will occur upon saving the timesheet, and that is where negative balance warnings will occur if we do not allow negative balance.


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