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E-PUM: How to Refresh and CleanUp the Environment Management Hub on a PUM IMAGE (PSEMHUB) (Doc ID 1635628.1)

Last updated on APRIL 17, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise PT PeopleTools - Version 8.53 to 8.55 [Release 8.4]
Information in this document applies to any platform.



To list the steps of the EMF "Clean Up" routine which can be done on a regular basis for administrative purposes. 

The Global Customer Support group has also identified the following situations in which you should perform the following steps to refresh and cleanup the Environment Management Hub (PSEMHUB) data. This is similar to clearing cache. This list is not complete, however, it covers the most common reasons the cleanup should be done.

1) After applying a Maintenance Pack (MP). MPs deliver a large number of files and clearing the cache after applying a MP may increase performance for applying future updates.

2) After applying a PeopleTools patch. Older PeopleTools information in the cached directories can cause many issues such as Change Assistant erroring after each step.

3) If you are receiving a warning for most file deploys or during the Validation process (Tools->Validate), this may happen if you have older peer ids that are no longer used. Clearing the cache will remove these older peer ids and will stop the warnings from appearing. The Validation process may also state that Agents are Stopped; this would also call for the cleanup to be done.

4) Change Assistant may hang on re-Validation if the cache information is dirty.

5) Change Assistant is reporting that you need to apply pre-requisites that have already been applied.

6) Java errors may occur when running jobs in Change Assistant, such as:

"Exception Java.lang.NullPointerException Caught in"

7) After power outages, sometimes Change Assistant will not restart. 

This is caused by corruption of Change Assistant's internal cache files.

8) If following message appear in PSEMAgent log or console "Environment Management is currently revalidating or recrawling agents. Trying again in 30 seconds".

9) If an upgrade has been performed to application release 9.2, and PUM does not recognize that patches have been applied.


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