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EGL9.2: Tree Flattener Process (OI_TFLT) Not Inserting Data in PS_OI_TFLT Tables After Upgrade To FSCM 9.2 PUM13 (Doc ID 2063373.1)

Last updated on MAY 02, 2023

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise FIN General Ledger - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.



Having issues with Tree Flattener utility after 9.2 PUM13 . Previously when using tree flattener, the flattened tree data was stored on OI_TFLT_OPRUNIT. After upgrade to PUM13 there appears three Tree Field Tables instead of one:

The three tables are:

DL_TFLT_OPRUNIT  (detail table)
R_TFLT_OPRUNIT  (range table)

The data from the flatten request is now getting stored on R_TFLT_OPRUNIT and/or DL_TFLT_OPRUNIT, but not OI_TFLT_OPRUNIT
Data in OI_TFLT_OPRUNIT is also blank.

Steps to Replicate:

1. Page Tree Flattener ( Navigation path: Set Up Financials/ Supply Chain > Operational Reporting > Tree Flattener > Tree Fields) now showing 3 columns instead of 2 for Details, Ranges and OTBI
2. Run the tree flattener request (Navigation path: Set Up Financials/ Supply Chain > Operational Reporting > Tree Flattener > Tree Flattener Request) for process type Flatten Tree, Field Name Operating Unit  
3. Check for the flatten data in OI_TFLT_OPRUNIT but returns 0 rows as the data got inserted in R_TFLT_OPRUNIT and/or DL_TFLT_OPRUNIT.




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