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If Submitted HSA Election Is Over The Maximum HSA Contribution Amount - Abends With GetText Error (Doc ID 2092607.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 06, 2023

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM eBenefits - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When the HSA pledge exceeds the amount permitted, an error is returned. 
errorReturn-227 - Parameter 8 of method GetTextBy6Keys of object class HR_TEXT_CATALOG:TextCatalog could not be converted to required type String. (180,227)

The message is not readable.

The issue can be replicated as follows:

1. Health Spending Account Event Rule is set to Pre-Enter/Use History with Default Method of Assign Cur Covrg Else Option.
2. If employee has some type of dependent coverage for Medical (ee + spouse, ee + children, ee + family) and makes new election of ee only coverage in Self Service, employee is transferred to the Health Savings Account election page.
3. If employee chooses the Discard Changes button even though their election is now higher than the maximum allowed for the new coverage level, the system initially accepts it.
4. However, when the Save and Continue button is selected on the Enrollment Summary page, the following error occurs:

Parameter 8 of method GetTextBy6Keys of object class HR_TEXT_CATALOG:TextCatalog could not be converted to
required type String. (180,227) FUNCLIB_W3EBENR.W3EB_TEXT.FieldFormula Name:Get_Text PCPC:2099
Called from:FUNCLIB_W3EBENR.PLAN_TYPE_6X.FieldFormula Name:EditHSA Statement:532
Called from:FUNCLIB_W3EBENR.EVT_SUMMARY.FieldFormula Name:CheckEnroll Statement:1766
Called from:FUNCLIB_W3EBENR.EVT_SUMMARY.FieldFormula Name:StartSubmit Statement:1840
Called from:W3EB_ENR_SUMMARY.GBL.W3EB_ENR_PB_WRK.PB_SUBMIT.FieldChange Statement:2

In a call of the method, the parameter was not of the correct type and could not be converted to the correct type.




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