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URL Link In Refer A Friend Email For Employees Points To Fluid Page Instead Of Classic Page Ignoring The Portal Content & Structure Settings (Doc ID 2529615.1)

Last updated on JULY 21, 2023

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Talent Acquisition Manager - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Generic (Platform Independent)


On : 9.2 version, Manage Applicant

URL link in Refer a Friend email for employees points to fluid page instead of classic page ignoring the Portal Content & Structure settings

Refer A Friend email has the URL(Generated by 'GenerateComponentPortalUR'L function) points to Internal Fluid page for some reason instead of classic page.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Create external careers on a different web server
2. Take action Refer a Friend or Link Applicant for an external applicant.
3. The applicant receives the email.
4. The URL in the email contains the internal fluid page link instead of classic page of external careers. Hence, clicking on the URL will take us to the wrong page.




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