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NSC Student Clearinghouse STDNT_CONS_STAT.ENRL_STAT_CHG_DT is Not Included in the Report (Doc ID 2658187.1)

Last updated on JULY 11, 2023

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Student Records - Version 9 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Issue#1: NSC Student Clearinghouse requirement to send campus-level Status Start Date (SSD) changes for students whose status has been increased to FT from a lower status within the same term. Right now this would be field ENRL_STAT_CHG_DT from the STDNT_CONS_STAT record of the SRNSLCEX.sqr report. Need to know if the SRNSLCEX.sqr will have a Status Start Date (SSD) to be included in the report sent to National Student Clearinghouse.

Issue#2: Peoplebooks states that STDNT_CONS_STAT.ENRL_STAT_CHG_DT should be populated with the DEGR_CONFER_DT when the student's program has a status of CM or Completed. However this field is not being reported and NSC returns errors for all graduates that the status date is missing. Peoplebooks also states that SSR_STD_CON_ST2.SSR_NSC_PRG1_ENRDT should be populated with the effective date of the COMP row from ACAD_PROG but instead it is populated with the confer date.




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