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Group Post Reversal Reverses More Than The Group Line Amount (Doc ID 2759465.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 26, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Student Financials - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.



A Financial Aid Item type was posted to the student account.  The Financial Aid amount did not originate within the Financial Aid module.  The posting of the Financial Aid item type resulted in an excess credit.  The excess credit was refunded.  A new Group Post was created for the same emplid, item type and term.  The Group Post process was run.  A  second Group Post was created for the student containing the same Financial Aid Item type, emplid and term and a different amount.  After posting the second group, staff determined the Term entered on the second group post was incorrect.  Group Reversal process was run.  The Group ID created by the Group Reversal process was posted with the intent of reversing the amount from the second Group Post.  The total amount posted by both Group Posts  for the Financial Aid item type was reversed instead of the amount posted in the second Group Post.

Resulting data shows ITEM_SF.ITEM_AMT is set to zero.  A new LINE_SEQ_NBR is inserted into ITEM_LINE_SF for the total amount of both Financial Aid postings.  ITEM_XREF.XREF_AMT is set to zero.  The PAYMENT_TBL.PAYMENT_AMT is reduced by the amount of the second Group Post only.   Data relationship between these tables is incorrect.

This issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Create Group Data Entries;
  2. Click on Add A New Value;
  3. Create a Group Post using a Financial Aid Item type for a student;
  4. Click Save and note the Group Id assigned to the group;
  5. Navigate to Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Post Transactions;
  6. Select a run control;
  7. Populate the run control, specifying the Group ID from Step 4;
  8. Submit the process to the process scheduler;
  9. Navigate to Student Financials, Refunds, Student Refunds;
  10. Select a run control;
  11. Enter the emplid used in Step 3;
  12. Refund the excess credit from the Financial Aid Item type posted in the proceeding steps;
  13. Navigate to Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Create Group Data Entries;
  14. Click on Add A New Value;
  15. Create a Group Post using the same Financial Aid Item type for the student;
  16. Click Save and note the Group Id assigned to the group;
  17. Navigate to Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Post Transactions;
  18. Select a run control;
  19. Populate the run control, specifying the Group ID from Step 16;
  20. Submit the process to the process scheduler;
  21. Navigate to Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Reverse Groups;
  22. Select a run control;
  23. Enter the Group Id from Step 16 on the run control;
  24. Submit the process to the process scheduler;
  25. Navigate to Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Post Transactions;
  26. Select a run control;
  27. Populate the run control, specifying the Group ID created by Steps 21-24;
  28. Submit the process to the process scheduler;


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