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Applying A Change Package With Fix For Bug 28438703 Causes 5 Objects to Fail Copy to Target Environment (Doc ID 2850453.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Campus Community - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


A change package containing the fix for Bug 28438703 - PE: APT ADMINISTRATIVE ROSTER - INSTITUTION / CAREER LOOKUP ISSUE delivered in Campus Solutions 9.2 PUM 24 is created successfully.  After the running the Project Copy step in Change Assistant, and filtering on the objects in the project with 'Not Done' status shows the following objects were not copied to the target environment.  All objects contained in the change package project should copy to the target environment.


The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. Using Update Manager, create a change package containing the fix for Bug 28438703 - PE: APT ADMINISTRATIVE ROSTER - INSTITUTION / CAREER LOOKUP ISSUE from PUM 24;
  2. Using Change Assistant, run the Project Copy Step for the change package created in Step 1;
  3. Open the change package;
  4. Filter objects in the project for 'Not Done' status;
  5. Five objects are not copied to the target.




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