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Award Activity Authorized and Disbursed Amounts Show Excess Amounts Never Authorized or Disbursed (Doc ID 2864836.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Financial Aid - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When reviewing award activity, the authorized and disbursed amounts are higher than what was actually authorized and disbursed.

As an example, in one reported case, the school had authorized and disbursed 255 in the spring term; but on those two action rows on the award activity page, the totals for authorized and disbursed showed 955 instead. A further review of the table STDNT_AWRD_DISB shows that the extra 700 was placed in a different disbursement id from the one containing the actual 255 disbursement. The authorized and disbursement totals on STDNT_AWARDS are also inflated by the extra 700.

In this reported case, at least, the extra 700 didn't actually post to the account, and the student's actual disbursement was for the correct amount.

The issue will likely be seen only in a small number of cases and very sporadically.

It's not currently understood how to reproduce the issue at will, however, the end results can be verified with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Financial Aid > Awards > View Award Activity > Award Activity.
  2. Review the rows for the Authorized and Disbursed actions, and note the Authorized and Disbursed amounts don't match up with the Offered and Accepted.


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