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FAPINCLC Does Not Clear Calc Requests for Aid Year 2024, When Invoked by Mass EFC Calculation to Process IM EFC Calculations When Application Type is 'P' or 'B' (Doc ID 2903062.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Financial Aid - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When running Mass EFC Calculation for Aid Year 2024, with the run control Application Type set to 'P' or 'B' to process Profile Students who need the IM EFC calculated, the batch inas cobol routine FAPINCLC - automatically invoked by the parent process as the second step - is ignoring a value of 'Y' specified in the 'Clear Calc Requests' field, and is not deleting the records from the INAS_CALC_RECS table. As a result, the same students will continue to be processed repeatedly each time the process runs, and  the total number of students processed will continue to grow each time.

Setting the 'Clear Calc Requests' to 'Y' on the run control is expected to result in the records being deleted from INAS_CALC_RECS, so that they are only processed once - the same as it has worked in previous aid years.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Financial Aid > File Management > Mass EFC Calculation.
  2. Enter parameters 2024, calculation type B or P, clear calc requests Y, and run the process.
  3. Click link to Process Monitor and note when a process instance is created for FAPINCLC, and the process completes.
  4. Click 'Details' link for the instance, then the link that says 'View Log/Trace', then the .log file in the file list.
  5. Scroll to the end of the log that shows the "BATCH CALC DRIVER RECORDS" messages. Note that the messages for "READ" and "PROCESSED" will indicate the expected number of records, but the message for DELETED will show 0. A query of  INAS_CALC_RECS will further confirm the records were not deleted.


 The issue is seen after applying the fixes associated with the 2023-2024 AID YEAR UPDATES FOR ISIR, delivered originally in Patch 33234548 and then in CS 9.2 PUM Image 27.


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