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E-FLUID: Menu Doesn't Show Alphabetic Menu Header on Secondary Menu or When Accessed Through Portal (Doc ID 2910084.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 22, 2022

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise PT PeopleTools - Version 8.59 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The Menu doesn't show the Alphabetic headings in the following situations:

A. When a user opens a folder (For example Root > PeopleTools) the 
B. When a user is logged into a Portal environment and selects the menu, they are taken to the content provider but the beginning letter of the group is missing. But when logging in directly to the content provider the beginning letter of the group is displayed on the menu.

Example A steps to replicate:
1. Login
2. Select NavBar > Menu and notice the Alphabetic letter grouping
3. Select any folder (For example PeopleTools)
4. Notice how the letting grouping is no longer displayed in the menu

Example B steps to replicate:
1. Login to the Portal environment
2. Select the Navbar > Menu
3. Select the unified navigation folder for a content provider (Such as FSM)
4. Notice how the links are sorted alphabetically. But the results do not have the first letter displayed.
5. Logout
6. Login to a content provider (such as FSCM)
7. Select the Navbar > Menu
8. Notice how the links are sorted alphabetically and the first letter of each link is displayed within a group.




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