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Disburse Aid Page Displays Dollar (USD) Currency Symbol $ Regardless of Currency Set in Defaults or Item Type Setup (Doc ID 2920661.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Financial Aid - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On the Disburse Aid page, the amounts display with a dollar sign, regardless of the currency being used in the system.

The currency symbol on the page is expected to reflect the currency in use in the system. For example, in a database set up to use the Euro, the page should be displaying the Euro sign (Є).

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. Define currency as something other than the US Dollar (USD) on Set Up Common Objects > Install > Installation Table > Settings and Defaults; and/or Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > Item Types > Item Types > Amount Edits.
  2. On Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Assign Awards to a Student > Student Aid Package, validate and post one or more item types from step 1
  3. Query STDNT_AWARDS and STDNT_AWRD_DISB to confirm that CURRENCY_CD is populated with the expected value that is not USD.
  4. Navigate to Financial Aid - Disbursement - Disburse Aid and note currency symbol displays as $.


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