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After Running the Process Formulas Step of Batch Budget Assignment, FAPBDGTF Log Shows 'INVALID BUDGET ITEM AMOUNT RETRIEVED' Message Duplicated For All Careers Processed for the Same Term, Instead of Only the One Career Matching the Listed EMPLID (Doc ID 2924258.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Financial Aid - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When running the Process Formulas Step of Batch Budget Assignment, to process at least one budget item where the 'Use Equation' box has been checked to calculate the item using an equation instead of the Budget Formula, a line beginning with the following message appears in the FAPBDGTF log file each time the equation is unable to assign the amount for a student and term:

The rest of the message line will provide more details on the equation that failed and which student, term, and budget category was impacted.

However, instead of the message appearing just under the career being processed at that point in the program and pertaining to the student's term budget, the message is duplicated for the same student/term/budget category combination under each of the other careers processed by the formula for the same term, and regardless of whether those careers are even set up with the budget item and category that failed the equation processing.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. On Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Budgets > Budget Items > Create Budget Items, check the 'use equation' box for at least one budget item.
  2. On Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Budgets > Budget Assignment > Assign Budget Category, assign the budget item(s) from step 1 to one career but exclude from other careers.
  3. On Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Equation Engine > Equation Editor, set up the equation linked in step 1 to produce an invalid result; for example, for testing purposes, the equation could assign A_AMOUNT = 0.
  4. On Financial Aid > Assign Budgets > Select Students > Batch Budget Assignment, run the Select Students then Process Formulas steps to process the career that had the equation item category assigned in step 2 and at least one other career for the same terms and where the equation item category is not assigned.
  5. Review the FAPBDGTF log to see the "INVALID BUDGET ITEM AMOUNT RETRIEVED" message repeated for the same student under all careers that were processed for the listed term.


The issue occurs after applying the fix for <Bug 33146531> - EQUATION ENGINE FUNCTIONALITY FOR BUDGETS, delivered first in CS 9.2 PUM Image 28.


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