EEX 9.2: Page Data Inconsistency Error Message (18,1) at Fluid Expense Report Line After Rectifying Duplicate Expense
(Doc ID 2950295.1)
Last updated on DECEMBER 02, 2024
Applies to:
PeopleSoft Enterprise FIN Expenses - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]Information in this document applies to any platform.
Having created two separate Expense Reports, each with one exact same Transaction Line, the system correctly identifies the duplicates, and flags them as such. Then, should the Employee use the Review Duplicate Lines feature, and click on the available link listing the potential duplicate Expense Report and Line Number combination, the system will open a separate window for that identified transaction to be checked. If the Employee then rectifies the newly displayed Expense Line by making changes, (such as Expense Date change), and saving them, the Duplicate Expense flag gets resolved, and even the rows stored within Record PS_EX_SHEET_DUP get deleted. This is so far working just fine.
The problem arrives when the Employee goes back to the original Internet Browser window, where the first Expense Report was displayed. There, the 'Possible Duplicates Exist' modal window is still displayed, so the Cancel button is selected to go back to the main Fluid Expense Entry page. There, if the User tries to save any further changes, the system is throwing a "Page data is inconsistent with database" Error Message.
1.- Log into the FSCM Online Application as a System Administrator
2.- Navigate to: Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Install > Installation Options > Expenses
3.- Make sure that the 'Duplicate Review Required' check-box is selected
4.- Log into the FSCM Online Application as an Expenses User
5.- Go to the Employee Self Service Fluid Homepage
6.- Click on the Expenses Tile
7.- Click on the Create Expense Report Tile
8.- Enter the needed values at the Expense Report Header level (Business Purpose, Description, Default Location)
9.- Select the Expense Report Action of 'Add Expense Lines'
10.- The system loads the Fluid Expense Entry page with almost all fields in blank
11.- Manually add Expense Report Line #1 with the below values:
a) Expense Date = 02/21/2023
b) Expense Type = GRCRIES
c) Payment Method = Cash
d) Amount = 10.00
e) Currency Code = USD
12.- Click on SAVE button to store the transaction details into the system
13.- Go back to the Employee Self Service Fluid Homepage
14.- Click on the Expenses Tile
15.- Click on the Create Expense Report Tile to add a second transaction in the system
16.- Enter the needed values at the Expense Report Header level (Business Purpose, Description, Default Location)
17.- Select the Expense Report Action of 'Add Expense Lines'
18.- The system loads the Fluid Expense Entry page with almost all fields in blank
19.- Manually add Expense Report Line #1 with the exact same values as in the first Expense Report:
a) Expense Date = 02/21/2023
b) Expense Type = GRCRIES
c) Payment Method = Cash
d) Amount = 10.00
e) Currency Code = USD
20.- Click on SAVE button to store the transaction details into the system
21.- Confirm that the system has flagged both transaction line with the Duplicate Lines message
22.- Query Record PS_EX_SHEET_DUP to confirm both transactions are listed
23.- Click on the 'Review Duplicate Lines' button
24.- At the 'Possible Duplicates Exist' modal window, click on the Report ID/Line Number link available
25.- This opens a new Internet Browser window displaying the identified duplicate Expense Report transaction
26.- Click on Update Details button
27.- Change the Expense Date to 02/20/2023
28.- Click on SAVE button
29.- Confirm that the Duplicate Lines error flag disappears
30.- Query again the Record PS_EX_SHEET_DUP to confirm both transactions have been cleared
31.- At this stage, return to the original Internet Browser window on the second Expense Report created, where the system still displays the 'Possible Duplicates Exist' modal window
32.- Click on CANCEL button, as no more changes are needed at this stage
33.- The Fluid Expense Entry page is displayed
34.- Make any change, such as adding new values/wording at the Expense Report Line Description field
35.- Click on SAVE button
36.- PROBLEM: The system throws a "Page data is inconsistent with database" Error Message
To gather more information concerning this scenario and its related problem, refer to the available Replication Steps PDF Document here linked containing the complete configuration and the replication steps necessary to reproduce the issue.
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In this Document
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Changes |
Cause |
Solution |
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