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Some Tasks Are Missing on Custom Activity Guides, and Activity Guides Cloned from Delivered Activity Guides (Doc ID 2951053.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Campus Community - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


A custom activity guide template is manually assigned to a student. When the student signs into their account, they can click on the To Do section of the Student Center, and see all the tasks associated to the activity guide.   Assigning the template in batch will assign the template but some tasks in the template are not assigned to the population identified in the Batch process.

The delivered Program Registration template (SCC_TM_PRG)  was cloned and used for testing.  The cloned template, once assigned via Batch and Online, did not show all the tasks in the activity guide.  Assigning the delivered SCC_TM_PRG activity guide using online and batch processes does show all tasks assigned by the template.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

To run the batch process, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Campus Community, Task Management Work Center;
  2. Click Assign Tasks and provide run time parameters;
  3. On the Assign Tasks run control, the cloned SCC_TM_PRG template ID is entered along with the Context Data of Career and Term;
  4. Click the Request Option Assign radio button;
  5. Student override is selected;
  6. An emplid is entered;
  7. Submit the process to the process scheduler;
  8. When the process has completed, sign in as the student;
  9. Click on the To Do List on the right hand side of the Student Center presented;
  10. Note that some all tasks from the template are missing.

To run the online process, perform the following steps:

  1.  Navigate to Peopletools, Activity Guides, Activity Guide Templates;
  2.  Select the cloned SCC_TM_PRG template ID;
  3.  Click Template Properties,  then click the Properties tab;
  4.  Click the Create Instance button;
  5.  Enter the necessary run time parameters, which includes an emplid;
  6.  Click Create;
  7.  Sign in as the emplid specified on the run time parameters;
  8.  Click on the To Do List on the right hand side of the Student Center presented;
  9.  Note all tasks on the template are assigned to the student.




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