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ELM 9.2: Fluid Class Roster Dashboard is Incorrect and the Attendance is Reverted to Unknown (Doc ID 2963882.1)

Last updated on FEBRUARY 05, 2025

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise ELM Enterprise Learning Management - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


From Fluid Class Roster, the Class Roster Dashboard is Incorrect and the Attendance is reverted to Unknown after changes are performed to Learning Component Sessions
and Assignment.

Steps to replicate the issue:

Scenario 1:

1.Navigate to Administer Class Roster page : Enterprise Learning > Learner Tasks > Administer Class Roster
2.Search for and open a class for testing for e.g. Class A
3.In the Class Roster component, change the ‘Attendance’ of the 1st learner from “Unknown” to “Attended”.
4.Save changes.

NOTICE: Making changes at the Class Roster component level will result in the correct dashboard changes + Completion Status progress bar correctly reflects that ½ learners have completed the class.

5 .In the Session #1 component, perform the following changes to the 2nd learner Attendance and Grade:
a.Attendance: Unknown > Attended
b.Attendance: Not Graded > Passed
c.Save changes.

5.In the Session #2 component, perform the following changes to the 2nd learner Attendance and Grade:
d.Attendance: Unknown > Attended
e.Attendance: Not Graded > Passed

6.Save changes.

7. In the Assignment A component, perform the following changes to the 2nd learner
a.Completion Status: Not Attempted > Completed
b.Save Changes.

8.Return to the Class Roster component to review the results.


Class Roster dashboard only shows 1 learner (first learner) passed
Reflecting only the 1st learner’s Grade in Class Roster component)
Despite the 2nd learner also completing the class (as indicated in the progress bar showing 2/2 learners completed.), they are not included in the dashboard as completed (shows only 1 passed in the Class Roster dashboard).
The sequence of completion: Completing the Attendance & Grades for all required class components, as seen in Learner #2, is not captured by the Class Roster component dashboard.
Whereas the ‘Attendance’ was changed to “Attended” before, after making the documented changes to 2nd Learner, the ‘Attendance’ was reverted back to “Unknown” /Not Marked for Learner #1.

 Scenario 2:

1. Navigate to Administer Class Roster page : Enterprise Learning > Learner Tasks > Administer Class Roster
2. Search for and open class for testing.
3. In the Session #1 component, perform the following changes to the 2nd Learner
Attendance and Grade:
a.Attendance: Unknown > Attended
b.Attendance: Not Graded > Passed
c. Save changes.

4. In the Session #2 component, perform the following changes to the 2nd learner
Attendance and Grade:
a.Attendance: Unknown > Attended
b.Attendance: Not Graded > Passed
c.Save changes.

5.In the Assignment A component, perform the following changes BOTH learners:
a.Completion Status: Not Attempted > Completed
b.Save changes.

6. Navigate back to the Class Roster component, review dashboard and list of learners.
Completion Status correctly displays that 1 learner has completed the class requirements.
2nd Learner has the correct “Completed” learner status.

However, the class roster component dashboard does not reflect the progress of the learners.


 This behavior seems to be impacted by the Bug 18475627 - ROSTER ELM92 STANDARDIZED CONTENT NOT MARKED AS ATTENDED ON GRADES AND ATTENDA


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