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Opening a CAF Record in Other Than the Base Language Will Create an Error After Pum 28 (Doc ID 2994925.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Campus Community - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When attempting to view a Common Attribute Framework (CAF) record in a translated database, the record will not open and the following error occurs:


Erreur SQL dan Exec. (2,280) Scc_Common.Util.LOVUTIL.OnExecute name:getpromptvalues


SQL-fout in DescribeCol (2,279) SCC_COMMON.UTIL.LOVUtil.OnExecute Name:getPromptValues PCPC:17819 Statement:311

Called from: SCC_COMMON.UTIL.LOVUtil.OnExecute Name:getLOVCommon Statement
Called from SCC_COMMON.UTIL.LOVUtil.OnExecute Name:getLOV Statement 23
Called from SCC_COMMON_ATTRIBUTE_FW.Adapters.LOVAdapter.OnExecute Name: getListOfValues Statement: 89
Called from : Scc_COMMON_ATTRIBUTE_FW.Attribute.OnExecute Name:getListOfVallues Statement:148
Called from: SCC_COMMON_ATTRIBUTE.Components

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. Log into a translated database using something other than the base language.
  2. Open a caf record that was populated in another language, and note the error. 



The issue occurs after applying fixes from CS 9.2 PUM Image 28 including Bug 24708138 - STUDENT LANGUAGE CAF ISSUES IN PROGRAM/PLAN IN MULTILINGUAL ENVIRONMENT


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