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AR9.2: ARUPDATE Abended At StepAR_PGG_SERV.PAY_CASH.SYSCASHP (Action SQL) -- RC = 805/SQL Error: ORA-00001: unique constraint (SYSADM.PS_PG_PENDST_TAO4) violated When Posting Multiple Deposits With Multiple Bank Accounts Together With Bank Inheritance On (Doc ID 3014825.1)

Last updated on APRIL 04, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise FIN Receivables - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Receivables Update process abends when posting multiple deposits with multiple bank accounts together and chartfield inheritance on at the bank level.



Process ABENDED at Step AR_PGG_SERV.PAY_CASH.SYSCASHP (Action SQL) -- RC = 805
SQL Error: ORA-00001: unique constraint (SYSADM.PS_PG_PENDST_TAO11) violated

Replication steps:
1. Setup Chartfiled Inheritance with Project Always Inherit under navigation Set Up Financials/Supply Chain / Common Definitions / Design ChartFields / ChartField Inheritance / ChartField Inheritance / Receivables and Billing
2. Setup 2 Bank Accounts, one with Project Always Inherit for the Cash AR Account and one with Project ID value provided for the Cash AR Account under navigation Banking/Bank Account/External Bank Account for Bank Code / Edit Inheritance Options / Cash AR / Cash Control AR / Dep AR
3. Create 2 Billing invoices, one with one line with Project Chartfiled provided on Project Line page and the other one with 2 lines and different Project Chatfileds values on Project Lines pages under navigation Billing / Standard Billing
4. Create 2 payments for the above 2 bank accounts and apply the above items to the payments under navigation Accounts Receivable / Payments / Online Payments
5. Run Payment Predictor #Refs to apply the payments to the items under Navigation Accounts Receivable / Payments / Apply Payments / Payment Predictor
6. Run Receivables Update process under navigation Accounts Receivable / Receivables Update.


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