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Aid Year 2024-2025 Population Update Error When Updating PELL_ORIG_DTL Table: 'Negative number assigned to an unsigned field: PELL_ORIG_DTL.PELL_EFC.' (Doc ID 3022529.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 11, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Financial Aid - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When attempting to run a Population Update for Aid Year 2025 and one of the fields on the table PELL_ORIG_DTL, the SCC_POP_UPD process finishes in 'No Success', with the following error indicated in the .stdout file:

Negative number assigned to an unsigned field: PELL_ORIG_DTL.PELL_EFC. (2,121) SCC_POP_UPDATE.APEngine.RowByRowProcessing.OnExecute Name:UpdateRecord PCPC:30069 Statement:381
Called from:SCC_POP_UPDATE.APEngine.RowByRowProcessing.OnExecute Name:ProcessRecords Statement:99
Called from:SCC_POP_UPD.ROWPROC.GBL.default.1900-01-01.RowProc.OnExecute Statement:15
2024-05-13- DoStepActions [2222] Exception logged: RC=100.

The error does not occur when updating the table for 2024 or earlier Aid Years.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Set Up SACR > System Administration > Utilities > Population Update > Population Update Process > Population Selection Update.
  2. Populate the parameters including PELL_ORIG_DTL table and a population selection that will select one or more records to update in Aid Year 2025.
  3. Run the process then click link to Process Monitor.
  4. Refresh until the process ends in 'No Success'.
  5. Click 'Details' then 'View Log/Trace' then the .stdout file in the file list and note the error message.


The issue occurs after applying all available Post-Regs 2 Financial Aid PRP's including the 8 fixes in Patch 35950393: 2024-2025 AID YEAR COD UPDATE: COMMON OBJECTS.


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